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Press Pack Reports: Your Reports

Last Updated: Monday March 21 2005 09:28 GMT

I've been dancing since I was three

John and his partner Stevie
John has been ballroom dancing since he was three.

He tells us all about his favourite sport

"I started ballroom and Latin American when I was three, but I had already started tap dancing which I still enjoy.

I suppose I got involved because my sister was doing classes and it seemed easier to join in rather than sit and watch and be bored!

I'm glad I did because I really love it.

I did my first competition at the age of four and haven't looked back since.

I didn't have a partner for a few years but then danced with a girl for three years, and then with Stevie, who's my partner now.

Fun, but hard work

We have been dancing together for over a year now and have just moved up to the junior section which is great fun but very hard work.

It can be very frustrating when you can't get something right and I hate losing and trying to be nice about it!

But when we are successful at a competition it is worth all the hassles and I can't wait to get out on the floor next week as I love competing.

I really don't know what the future holds for me in dancing but for now I just want keep going as I am for as long as I can."

John, 12, Woking

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