Cyber Risk Engineering

It takes years to build your reputation, and only a few moments to damage it... Don't let a cyber incident disrupt your daily operations or harm your position in the marketplace. Learn how cyber insurance and risk management can help prevent and minimize the impact of a cyber attack.

Analyze Your Network

A cyber risk expert evaluates your potential risk situations and develops tailor-made solutions for your business.

Tailor-Made Solution

We deliver a customized risk management and cyber insurance solution based on the current cyber security conditions at your business.

Ongoing Support

You receive ongoing support in the form of risk management, insurance recommendations and cyber risk solutions.

Raising the bar in cybersecurity compliance

New Federal And State Cybersecurity Rules Raise The Bar For Business Operations

Both individual states and federal agencies, such as the U.S. Security & Exchange Commission (SEC), are enacting cybersecurity rules that require companies to do more to reduce cybersecurity risks and prove these measures have been taken.
Stay protected

Cyber Insurance To Compliment Risk Management

Cyber insurance coverage and the right limits compliment your business's internal and external cyber risk engineering efforts in the event of a cyber incident.
Critical infrastructure vulnerabilities

Protect Critical Infrastructure From Cyber Attack

The interconnected nature of programmable systems in critical infrastructure amplifies vulnerabilities and the potential for cascading downstream effects.
What we do

We help protect your business

Our consultative risk engineers work with you to provide a full portfolio of property and casualty loss mitigation services that align with your risk management goals.

File Scanning

File scanning services help you scan suspicious files using multiple anti-virus programs.

Safety Programs

We help you develop a safety program tailored to your needs. We target risk improvement areas that achieve positive results.

Security Audits

We'll help you conduct a security audit to identify areas of improvement, ranking each item according to severity and cost to address.

Loss Analysis

We employ practical, solution-oriented approaches that target risk areas to protect your company and your brand.

Cyber Liability Insurance

We secure cyber liability insurance coverage to strengthen your company's position in the event of an unexpected security incident.

Backup Protection

Backups are increasingly important to secure critical data and ensure redundancy in a cybersecurity event.

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Our Insights

business email compromise

Business Email Compromise vs. Phishing Explained

Business email compromise (BEC) is a major and rapidly growing cybersecurity threat that has caused billions of dollars in losses globally. … Read More

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what is a human firewall

What Is A Human Firewall?

Being a human firewall can reduce the risk of cyber attacks that rely on human error or manipulation. … Read More

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known as packet sniffer

Which of the Following Utilities Is Known as a Packet Sniffer?

A packet sniffer is a tool that can capture and analyze network traffic data that flows across a network. … Read More

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cybersecurity remote work tips

Cybersecurity Tips For Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work, aka telecommuting, which presented significant challenges for businesses trying to maintain cybersecurity while enabling a distributed workforce.  With the increasing adoption of telecommuting, ensuring cybersecurity for remote workers has become a … Read More

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cyber risk engineering and artificial intelligence

What Is Cyber Risk?

Cyber risk is constantly evolving and artificial intelligence introduces new risks that businesses must navigate carefully. … Read More

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