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MoneyTalks with Michael Campbell

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Sample the MacroTourist Newsletter - Mike's guest this week is Kevin Muir, editor of this excellent investment newsletter. Kevin has generously offered to provide free samples of his work to the MoneyTalks audience. Email him directly at kevin@themacrotourist.com
Innovative Housing for Investors and Renters - A Webinar June 5th @ 6pm Pacific. Mike's guest Kyle Favell from North America Home Finance introduced the MT audience to the "Singapore Model", and innovative housing development and management concept that offers a new way for investors to participate in real estate PLUS give aspiring renters access to potential equity in their units that they can use as future down payments towards owning. REGISTER HERE to find more about their latest project in Victoria BC.
Michael Campbell

The Great Canadian Short with Kevin Muir

Kevin Muir on the coming all-time low in the Canadian dollar and why an 8-10% inflation rate is possible.

MoneyTalks Editor
NOW on MoneyTalks
Canada imported antisemitism, and the federal government has a plan that will make it worse. The MacroTourist, Kevin Muir on the coming new low in the loonie and why an 8-10% inflation rate is possible. And a Goofy on why giving 16-year-olds the vote is a hall of fame bad idea. Listen Now.
MoneyTalks Editor