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Latest TV & Film Jobs in the USA

Sound Recordist
Chicago, IL

Seeking a Sound Recordist for a low-budget, non-union, 2-camera interview shoot in Chicago (must be local) on Friday, 7/19. Please respond with link to resume/reel ONLY if available on 7/19. Thank...

Camera Operator
Chicago, IL

Seeking a B Cam Operator/AC for a low-budget, non-union, 2-camera interview shoot in Chicago (must be local) on Friday, 7/19. DP will provide Canon EOS R and Canon R5 - operator must be familiar with ...

Show Writer
Nashville, TN

We have an opening for a Show Writer with 3+ years experience in professional writing to join our team to partner with writers, personalities, producers, and editors on scripts and content to deliver ...

Video Editor
Nashville, TN

We have an opening for a Video Editor with Premiere Pro and Adobe experience and three to five years of professional editing experience to come and join our team working with our producers to deliver ...

Crew for an Indie Pilot
Philadelphia, PA

Seeking multiple crew positions for an Indie Rom-Com Pilot set to begin shooting in August (subject to change). Roles open: Producer – Seeking a producer(s) to help with securing locations, fundin...

Multimedia Producer
New York, NY

We have an opening for a Multimedia Producer with five or more years of professional experience in the field in positions of increasing responsibility. Experience in a fast-paced production house, ...

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Posting jobs on Media Match is so easy! The site is very user friendly and attracts talent on all levels.

Danny Blitz

Mama Cat, LLC

We hired out latest Junior AE through Media Match.

Silvia Cortes-Cox

The Farm LA

Posting a job here on Media Match worked out well for me, I got the right people interested in helping me almost immediately.

Jacob Siciliano

By the River Studios

TV & Film Freelancer Testimonials

Media-Match opened me up to jobs that I couldn't find on other job sites, especially since Media-Match is much more industry-oriented. I finally found jobs that matched what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go in terms of my career trajectory. I eventually got a job on Media-Match that set me on that path. Thank you, Media-Match, for being that type of support during a time of need and for opening me up to a job that would influence my career. I hope to utilize your resources again in the future.

Louie Corrons

Media Match helped me so much with my job search. The premium subscription is definitely worth the money. I heard back from a few jobs, and was also able to see which companies had opened my application, which companies didn't, and how many time each employer viewed my profile/application. I also was able to browse different professionals in the industry and reach out to them. From doing this, I met many people that I would not have met without Media Match. I 100% recommend this website to anyone who is looking for a job in the film industry.

Jennifer Shanker

Media Match's intuitive system surprised me with an opportunity while I was offline. I received a message informing me of an opportunity that matched my interests and my information on the website. Because of this, I was able to respond and apply quickly. Therefore, Media Match lives up to its name!

Terrence McNulty