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Enhancing Sunrise Colors in Lightroom: A Step-by-Step Guide

Editing sunrise photos can be tricky, but it’s crucial to bring out those beautiful colors and dynamic range. This helpful video guide will walk you through how to use Lightroom to enhance your raw files, focusing on creating a balanced and vibrant image.

5 Key Strategies for Growing a Profitable Photography Business

Building a profitable photography business involves more than just taking great pictures. It requires strategy, versatility, and sometimes thinking outside the box. Here are five essential tips to help you grow your business effectively.

Is a Medium Format Camera Right for You?

Medium format cameras offer unique advantages, but are they worth the investment? The photographer took the Fujifilm GFX 100 II to Iceland to see how it performs in real-world conditions.

Sigma's Latest Masterpiece: We Review the 24-70mm f/2.8 DG DN II Art Lens

Sigma’s newest Art series lens, the 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II, takes the winning formula of its predecessor and dials it up a notch, boasting significant advancements in sharpness, autofocus speed, and overall handling. The lens isn’t content with simply meeting the high expectations set by the original; it surpasses them, delivering exceptional image quality that will impress even the most critical photographers.

Is the Leica SL3 Worth the Investment? A Comprehensive Review

When it comes to high-end cameras, the Leica SL3 stands out due to its cutting-edge features and impressive build quality. This new flagship model from Leica aims to cater to professionals and enthusiasts alike, offering a blend of advanced technology and the classic Leica feel.

How to Shoot While Tethered to Your iPhone or iPad

Shooting tethered can be useful for so many things, from having a better screen to view an image on, to being able to record what your camera sees for real behind-the-scenes footage. In this video, Jiggie Alejandrino shows you how he does it and how valuable it can be.
Elevate Your Street Photography in Any Location

Living in a small town with a passion for street photography can be challenging. How do you make great images in a place that feels uninspiring? Instead of giving up, you can develop the skills to create worthwhile photographs even in seemingly boring locations.

Understanding Modern Printers and How to Get the Best Prints

Printing quality photos at home can be challenging. It's essential to understand your equipment and materials to ensure you get the best results. Let's explore what makes a printer suitable for photo printing and how to avoid common pitfalls.

Don’t Use a Variable Neutral Density Filter for Photography

If long exposures are preferred, there are limits to how far you can go unless you wait for darkness. The best alternative is a neutral density filter, which allows the desired long exposure at any time of day. Whatever you do, don’t use a variable neutral density filter for photography.

Turning Rainy Days Into Photo Opportunities

Wet weather can be a test of resilience and creativity. Rainy days might not be what you planned, but they offer unique opportunities to capture the landscape in a different light.

15 Lessons from a Decade in Wedding Photography

Wedding photography can be a rewarding yet challenging profession. Here's what you need to know about navigating the world of wedding photography, based on valuable insights gained over a decade in the industry.

The 13-Inch iPad Pro: A Viable Laptop Alternative?

The new 13-inch iPad Pro M4, paired with the Apple Magic Keyboard and the new Pencil Pro, offers a compelling package for users considering it as their primary computer. Priced at nearly $2,500, it prompts the question: Can the iPad Pro finally replace a traditional computer in 2024?

What OM System's Live View, Live Composite, and Live ND Do and How to Use Them

Most cameras have at least one exclusive attribute, and the OM System Cameras have more than most. Its ever-expanding “Live” collection contains some of its unique computational photography features. Let’s dive into five of its tools to find out what they do and how you can use them.

Should You Buy Cheap Camera Gear?

Choosing the right gear can be overwhelming, especially with so many options available at varying price points. It's essential to consider whether to invest in expensive, well-known brands or to opt for more affordable alternatives.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Infrared Emulation Using Lightroom

Adding infrared emulation to your landscape images can create a unique and striking effect. This tutorial demonstrates how to transform a regular landscape photo into one that mimics the ethereal qualities of infrared photography using only Lightroom Classic.

This Might Be the Best Lens That $80 Can Get You

You don’t really expect so much out of ridiculously cheap lenses. However, every once in a while, a budget lens comes along that may surprise you. This might be one of those lenses.

How to Remove Distractions With Lightroom’s New Generative AI Tool

Lightroom has always been a powerful tool, but it’s had its limitations. One major challenge has been removing distractions from photos without switching to Photoshop. Adobe's recent update introduces a game-changing feature: the generative AI erase tool. This tool simplifies the process, allowing you to handle more within Lightroom itself.

Pro Strategies for Sports Photography

When you're shooting sports, knowing the game is key. It's about anticipating the action and being ready to capture those peak moments. Timing is everything, and the better you know the sport, the more consistently you'll make great pictures.

Solving Common Wedding Photo Editing Issues in Lightroom

On a wedding day, you will face a variety of challenges that are beyond your control. From lighting issues to rushed timelines, these difficulties can create editing nightmares. This helpful video will show you how to fix five common issues in Lightroom.

How to Create Your Own Photo Presets in Lightroom

The increasing popularity of film presets has sparked a surge in the availability of preset packs and software designed to emulate specific looks, such as color palettes or film stocks. These presets are appealing for their ability to quickly transform the appearance of your photos, but there's an argument to be made for creating your own. Developing your own presets allows for a more personalized and accurate reflection of the visual style you admire.

Is the Panasonic S9 the Full Frame GM1 We Always Wanted?

I have spent much (digital) ink on how great a camera the Panasonic GM1 is, even in 2024. Someone at Panasonic must think so too, because the new S9 looks like it’s channeling big GM1 energy, and that’s an awesome thing.

Mastering Light: Balancing Ambient and Flash

Understanding how to use ambient light and flash together can greatly improve your versatility. Natural light conditions are unpredictable, and knowing how to work with them can make or break your shoot.

How the Sony RX100 Changed Compact Cameras

Compact cameras have been fighting for relevance in a market dominated by smartphones. One camera that made a significant impact is the Sony RX100. Why did it leave such a mark on the industry?

Are You Fixing Exposure in Your Landscape Photos Incorrectly?

Exposing for the highlights is age-old advice in landscape photography. However, that technique can cause other areas of the photograph to be underexposed. You can always use the exposure slider in Lightroom to increase the exposure, but is that really the best way to fix the exposure in the image?

Why Boudoir Photography Will Survive the AI Revolution

Could you imagine uploading a few selfies to a random website and having it generate hundreds of naked photos of you? That sounds terrifying. Today, let's talk about how AI could upend various photography genres and why boudoir photography will be one of the exceptions.

How To Retouch Faces in Video

Almost anyone can remove acne or wrinkles in a photo, but retouching a face video used to be a monumental task... until now.
Photographing Woodlands Without Fog: Can It Be Done?

Woodland photography is hard enough for landscape photographers, but what about when there isn’t any fog? Fog is the cheat code for this type of photography, but do you just need to head home when there isn’t any fog? We find out in this video.

Tips and Techniques for Creating Vintage-Inspired Fashion Photography

Vintage-inspired fashion photography brings a timeless elegance that resonates with many enthusiasts. Understanding how to create such imagery while maintaining a modern twist can elevate your work. This video will take you behind the scenes of a vintage-inspired photoshoot, emphasizing the importance of concept, lighting, and post-processing.

Five Things Photography Helps You Appreciate in Life: A TED Talk

In a thought-provoking TED Talk, artist-photographer Felisa Tan takes us on a journey through her life and the profound lessons she has learned through photography. With over 15 years behind the camera, Tan’s insights offer a unique perspective on how photography can help us appreciate life’s beauty and complexity. Her poetic narrative, paired with captivating images, challenges our preconceptions about photography and invites us to explore universal truths often overlooked in our daily lives.

Tan begins by sharing her early struggles with understanding her place in the...

The Ugly Truth About Landscape Photography

In today’s world of social media and YouTube, it is easy to think every time a photographer goes out, they come back home with portfolio-ready images. If you begin to believe this, it can impact your own landscape photography. This video looks at the real truth behind landscape photography.

Choosing Between Raw, JPEG, TIFF, and PSD for Your Photos

File formats matter. The type of file you use for saving and editing your photos can significantly impact your workflow and final image quality. From JPEGs to raw files, understanding the differences can help you make better decisions for your photography and workflow.

Finding Beauty in Every Shot

Mastering photography requires not just technical skills, but also a keen eye for opportunities and the right mindset. One key piece of advice can significantly impact your approach to photography, the famous: "f/8 and be there." This concept emphasizes the importance of being present and ready to capture moments, regardless of perfect conditions.

Finals Days In "Unique Lighting" Contest

We are almost 48 hours from the latest Critique the Community photo contest. The theme for this month's contest is "Unique Lighting" and the prizes include several new products from the lighting company Profoto.