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Hi WomensLaw – thank you for such a wonderful response – the most comprehensive and thoughtful advice I have gotten.

I’d like to thank you all at WomensLaw for providing such valuable services to victims like me and my family. Navigating through our criminal justice system can be a challenge for many of us, so we’re very grateful to receive some valuable information from you. Thank you so much for all you do and for being there when we need you the most.

Thank you SO much for the information you provided. I read through it, and it helps me get everything together that I will need for the next steps. I will make more steps towards my goals as time goes on, day by day. I deeply appreciate the help you’ve given me. One day I will be on the other side helping others too!

Thank you so much for responding! I will utilize the links you sent ASAP. I appreciate your time and what you do for us out here!

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Courtroom experience: Admitting evidence into the court record and the basics of direct and cross-examination

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