Blogging at Last!

This is our new blog. We’ve been meaning to do this for some time but, as usual, we get overtaken by events.

Talking about events, there will be no Furryboots Rally in 2011 (Fu**ing…….BOOO!). Nobody is more disappointed that we are, but the truth is that there are not enough club members at the moment to make it successful.

The Furryboots Rally this year is really a victim of its own success. It has been noted throughout the UK as one of the best in the North East and, we as a club, have been stretching ourselves thinner and thinner every year to make it bigger and better.

Last year was a struggle and, had it not been for Brian, Keith and Dan from the Phoenix Knights MCC along with various other helpers, it would have been nowhere near as successful.

Anyway, enough morbidity (is that a word?). We plan on being back next year, and hope it will be at least as good as 2010.

Feel free to have a wander around our Blog, leave us a message and sign our guestbook. As always, keep it clean or we reserve the right to remove your post etc. etc.


3 Responses to Blogging at Last!

  1. phil says:

    so sorry to hear the news regarding the rally. yours was my first and i thouroughly enjoyed it and the delicious real ale. looking forward to next year, stay sunny side up!

  2. jo says:

    is there goin to be a furry boots in 2012

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