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All the latest news for you and your Scouts

Party in a heatwave

It was brilliant to have over 200 people together at our Open Evening & AGM on the hottest day of the year so far. A fantastic outdoor party, loads of…

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Scouts learn about recycling

Our Scouts learnt about recycling at the new Ware Recycling Centre. And they even got to name their JCB!

St George’s Day Parade

St George’s Day Parade in Ware today and a really fantastic turn out from our Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their leaders – plus the whole of Ware and District…

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Easter Egg Hunt

Our Beavers & Squirrels had great fun at the District Easter Egg Hunt. They hiked, played team games, had a picnic, hunted for eggs, ate chocolate, had a camp fire…

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New Squirrels invested!

A huge welcome to the 11 girls and boys who were invested into the Scout Group’s Squirrel drey section this afternoon. Thank you again to all the parents, carers and…

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Oak Squirrels first night

Oak Squirrel drey welcomed their first members on Friday by toasting marshmallows on mini-camp fires.