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Morning Docket: 06.05.24
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 06.05.24

* ACLU suing Biden administration over new asylum rules that were basically the Trump Muslim ban... but for Latin America. [Axios]

* Linklaters pulls back from plan to just not pay partners what they've earned if they decide to lateral. [ International]

* Trump asks judge to formally lift gag order now that there aren't witnesses and jurors to intimidate. [Reuters]

* A profile of how two non-lawyers hold massive influence over the shape of the legal system now that the federal courts have stopped caring about law. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Strange bedfellows: Second Amendment conservatives are up in arms over the Hunter Biden prosecution. [Reason]

* Multiple state attorneys general demand ABA purge law school accreditation standards of diversity language so law school can be a safe space for white failsons again. []

* Democrats forcing vote to protect right to contraception... mostly to get Republicans on record voting against it. [NBC News]

Columbia Law Review’s Board Of Directors Really Doesn’t Like Free Speech — See Also
See Also

Columbia Law Review's Board Of Directors Really Doesn’t Like Free Speech -- See Also

They'd Rather Take Down The Site Than Leave The Paper Up: Eghbariah's article on the Nakba as a legal concept is turning heads and spurring censorship.

Merrick Garland's Class Is In Session: Here's how things are supposed to go.

Community Matters: Does your firm volunteer on the community's behalf?

Check Out These All-Stars!: Gotta love a service-focused list!

Looks Like Age Discrimination To Me: Fox Rothschild gets hit with age discrimination suit from former partner.

