Transaction fee

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Transaction fee

A charge an intermediary, such as a broker-dealer or a bank, assesses for assisting in the sale or purchase of a security.
Copyright © 2012, Campbell R. Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

Transaction Fee

A fee that a broker-dealer assesses on a client for the service of filling an order. Usually, the transaction fee is a percentage of the value of the transaction, but sometimes it is a flat rate, such as two cents per share or seven dollars per trade.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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A minimal transaction fee ranging from P10 to P30 will be charged by Landbank.
The bank is of the view that removing the foreign transaction fee would make the Costco Anywhere Visa Card more appealing as a travel card.
Transaction fee free credit card payments imposed by the the 13 banks do not include plastic surgery, postnatal care or health examinations, said Wang.
Customers are charged an unpaid transaction fee when a transaction is returned unpaid because there is not enough money in the customer's account.
Google Helpouts charges a flat 20% transaction fee on all paid and non-Health Helpouts.
Normally, we don't spend much time focused on a credit card's fine-print foreign transaction fee, but if you are traveling abroad to South America, Europe, Asia or anywhere else outside the United States -- this information becomes quite vital.
The CDC transaction fee has been reduced by 40% and the custody fee has been reduced by 25% each on shares and TFCs/ Wapda/ units, while the transaction fee for investor account services has been reduced by 40%.
Specifically, the fixed transaction fee for Xetra transactions is to be cut by 50%, from a[logical not]0.06 to a[logical not]0.03.
as transaction fee, another RO25 and yet another nothing at all," said Benoy Paul of Gulf Services about his recent experience.

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