Freeflow Therapies

Shiatsu & NLP


Liz Butters


Member of Shiatsu Society, Embody, Zen Shiatsu Society

and NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners

07903 930937


Liz Butters

Liz first studied shiatsu in 1988. However it was ten years before she decided to take it up professionally and became a student at the Zen School of Shiatsu in London. She has since developed her practice with Carola Beresford-Cooke in Wales, Ohasi and Saul Goodman (both pupils of Masunaga, the father of Zen Shiatsu). She has studied different forms of hara shiatsu or ampuku (abdominal work) and structural alignment (eg. Shiatsu Shin Tai). She is currently doing Suzanne Yate's Well Mother Diploma Course for Shiatsu Practitioners in Holistic Care in Pregnancy, Birth & Babyhood and an ITEC in Diet and Nutrition for Complementary Therapists.

She is a teacher (TZSS) at the Zen School and has a PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET). She is a Pool Lecturer at Morley College and has also taught shiatsu at the University of Greenwich. She has been involved in the voluntary regulation of shiatsu, including the development of National Occupational Standards (NOS). She represents the Zen Shiatsu Society on Shiatsu Regulatory Group and Schools Forum.

Liz works with a wide range of clients (eg. those with muscular-skeletal problems, digestive and respiratory problems, headaches, fatigue, stress, anxiety and depression and serious illness) in a variety of settings. She provides shiatsu at a Community Drugs Project to current and ex-users and has previously worked as a shiatsu practitioner at Riverside Therapies and Positively Women. She has offered shiatsu treatments in offices (eg. Three Mills Studios), clubs (eg. Spitz), at festivals (eg. Ealing Jazz) and exhibitions (eg. Vitality Show, CAMExpo), and for Neal's Yard Holistic Holidays (Ulpotha, Sri Lanka).

She is particularly interested in working with women going through the menopause and with gynaecological problems (eg. menstrual and fertility issues), pregnant women and people with cancer. She offers treatments to women (and their partners) trying to conceive, antenatal and postnatal treatments, birth preparation sessions (including birth partners) and baby massage/shiatsu classes (one to one and small group).

Liz has a background in health services research, primarily in the fields of palliative and terminal care, evaluating services for people with cancer and HIV. She was a member of the Management Committee of Women's Health for five years. Women's Health was a national charity which provided information and support to enable women to make informed decisions about their gynaecological health. She is keen to integrate her skills and to carry out research into complementary therapies.

Liz is also an NLP practitioner. She studied NLP with Beeleaf and Healing NLP. She finds shiatsu and NLP can facilitate change and self healing on all levels: mind, body and spirit.

In her spare time Liz practices Qi Gong, Okido yoga and meditation. She continues to explore other therapies including Chi Nei Tsang (abdominal massage). She is a keen amateur trumpet player and plays in a big band.

Liz is a member of the Shiatsu Society, Zen Shiatsu Society, Embody (Complementary Therapists Association and Therapy Lecturers Association) and NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners. She practices in north west London. She also offers treatments at the Eastern Garden Shiatsu Centre (west London) and Zen School of Shiatsu (east London). She will carry out home and work place visits (seated shiatsu 'on-site' on a stool or massage chair).

If you have any questions or would like to book a treatment please contact Liz on:

07903 930937

or email:


Liz Butters


Member of Shiatsu Society, Embody, Zen Shiatsu Society

and NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners


Zen Shiatsu

Zen Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy based on the ancient theories and wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shiatsu literally means "finger push", often known as acupressure. A treatment includes palm and finger pressure and gentle stretches which connect with the energy flowing around the body. Each internal organ (for example the lungs, liver and heart) has a meridian or energy line which runs through the body. These meridians are affected by the everyday stresses of life: overwork, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of rest and calm, emotional traumas and illness all contribute to blockages and imbalances forming within the meridians. These blockages may manifest in different ways such as tension, pain and fatigue. By tonifying or releasing the energy within the meridians, shiatsu works to encourage the body to rediscover its own balance.

Shiatsu has many benefits for health and wellbeing. It is a wonderful way to take some time for yourself, connect with your body, relax, clear any tension and blockages from your system and generally boost your immunity. Shiatsu usually takes place on a futon at floor level and you remain fully clothed. Please wear loose comfortable clothing. After a treatment, which lasts about an hour, you may feel invigorated yet deeply relaxed.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP originated in the States in the mid 1970s and studies the way people think and experience the world. 'Neuro' refers to the mind and how we organise information. The senses we use to experience and understand the world. 'Linguistic' refers to how we use language (both verbal and non-verbal) to represent out experiences and communicate with others. 'Programming' refers to how we sequence our behaviour into patterns and act with purpose.

NLP focuses on what works and what is helpful, and how to replicate these things. It is about being curious and asking questions: how, where, when? It is more concerned with process (how people think) than content (what people think).

It provides tools to help enhance communication and to quickly and effectively change thoughts, behaviours and beliefs. NLP incorporates ideas and principles from many different techniques including hypnotherapy, gestalt therapy, behavioural psychology, family therapy, linguistics, information theory and anthropology. It can help break unhelpful patterns and lead to more positive thinking.




Complemenatry Therapists Association

Eastern Garden Shiatsu Centre


Embody guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Embody guide to Shiatsu

Healing NLP

Marilyn Glenville Natural Health Website for Women

NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners

Shiatsu Regulatory Group

Shiatsu Society

The Natural Health Website for Women

Well Mother

Women's Health

Zen School of Shiatsu

Zen Shiatsu Society