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Sandboxes in MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we discuss how to create and manage sandbox instances of MySQL on your local system.

MySQL Shorts - Episode #65 Released

Episode #65 of MySQL Shorts in now available!

Perl DBD MySQL for MySQL 8.0 and 8.4 LTS

Some years ago, I wrote an article on connecting to MySQL 8.0 using the default authentication plugin (caching_sha2_password) with Perl. I also provided Perl-DBD-MySQL packages for EL7.

Somebody recently left a comment as he was looking for a perl-DBD-MySQL driver compatible with the caching_sha2_password for Rocky Linux 8 (EL8 or OL8 compatible).

Therefore, I build two new packages supporting the latest perl-DBD-MySQL driver, version 5.005.

The difference is related to the version of libmysql they are linked to. for MySQL 8.0 and for MySQL 8.4 LTS:

MySQL 8.0

$ rpm -qf …
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Why MySQL Replication Is Fast

Replication being slow—replication lag—is a common complaint, but MySQL replication is actually really fast. Let’s run a controlled experiment and peek inside the Performance Schema binary logs to see why.

Getting Help in MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we talk discuss the comprehensives help system in MySQL Shell.

MySQL Shorts - Episode #64 Released

Episode #64 of MySQL Shorts in now available!

MySQL New York Meetup Returns

MySQL Meetup

Machine Learning with MySQL HeatWave and predictions in Grafana

How to visualize predictions in Grafana using MySQL HeatWave Machine Learning

Machine Learning with MySQL HeatWave and predictions in Grafana

In MySQL HeatWave, the Database as a Service (DBaaS) offered by Oracle, Machine Learning is incorporated to provide database administrators (DBAs) and developers with an optimal experience.

Those tools are the Auto ML advisors like the autopilot indexing for example.

MySQL HeatWave is also an invaluable asset for Data Analysts, offering straightforward tools that streamline the process of creating predictive models through data training and scoring.

The Data

The data we are using is the Bank Marketing data related to marketing campaigns over phone calls of a Portuguese banking …

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Executing System Commands in MySQL Shell

MySQL Shell offer many features to make life easier for DBAs and developers. In this post we talk about how to execute system commands inside MySQL Shell.

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