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Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

Tampere University of Applied Sciences is a multidisciplinary and respected educator, developer and partner of working life. TAMK's impact is particularly visible in the Tampere region, but also nationally and internationally.

Different ways of studying

TAMK offers a wide repertoire of studies in English: from bachelor's and master's degrees to exchange studies and continuing education. Make your way to one of the most popular universities of applied sciences is Finland!

Check out our study options

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Research, development and innovation

TAMK’s professional expertise, students’ fresh ideas and partners’ development needs meet in our research, development and innovation activities. We collaborate both with private companies and with public organisations to apply research. We use Living Labs, real life test environments in our projects.

Business services

TAMK is a skilful partner in business and work community development. Our extensive expert network and inventive students are available for you. You can give us individual commissions or conclude a long-term and multidisciplinary development partnership. We also organise staff training for work communities.

International TAMK

Our international operations include several study options in English language, global education export and partnerships.

For alumni

As TAMK’s alumnus you are a part of the university community’s alumni network. Welcome to the group of more than 100,000 alumni!

For future employees

Do you want to participate in building the future? We need experts of different fields for teaching, projects and development.

For donors

By donating you will support and develop TAMK and the university community.

TAMK International Blog

‘Competence equals Capacity’– Cross-border collaboration to support growth of AV companies

The audiovisual (AV) sector, particularly the Film and TV Industry in Finland and Sweden, faces challenges in growth due to a lack of local, regional, and national production resources.

BioHub Annual Magazine and TAMK’s Bioproduct Engineering students Excursion to China

Internationality is one of the key strategies of Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and it is also deeply embedded in degree education. TAMK’s degree programme in Bioproduct Engineering provides annual course of “Publication and Study Excursion”