Bircham windmill
Shepherds hut
Humphrey cottage
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Welcome to Bircham Windmill

Mill and Bakery open daily from 10am to 4pm,
Tearooms open at 9 for breakfast

We are every day until September 29th

Standing in the heart of Norfolk's undulating fields, Bircham Windmill now looks as it did over 100 years ago. At that time over 300 mills ground corn for horse & cattle feed and bread-making in Norfolk.

Today, very few windmills are left, and Bircham Mill is considered one of the best still remaining: it is the only windmill in working order in this area open to the public.

Visitors can climb the five floors up to the fan stage and, when possible, on windy days, visitors can also see the sails and the milling machinery turning.

FREE ENTRY to: The Bakery, Tea Rooms, & Gift Shop. For admission charges to the rest of the site, please click here.