The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"
The Hemel Hempstead School
Esse Quam Videri
"To be, not seem to be"


To The Hemel Hempstead School
A successful and popular school which has served this community for nearly ninety years.
Please check your inboxes for our new, new look newsletter!
And so it begins... Good luck everyone - we are so incredibly proud of you!
As the weather gets warmer, all students are encouraged to have a water bottle in school. However we ask them to be sensible and organised, as to when it is filled, to avoid missing precious learning time. The water fountains only operate before school, at break, at lunch and afterschool. Please use these times to refill.
It is Year 13 Leavers! As is tradition, old uniforms are dug out for one last year. So if you see uniforms in a pub or water pistols on the Moor, don't worry, the school has not gone to the dogs; on the contrary, 130 wonderful young adults celebrating seven years of dedication, hard work and Esse Quam Videri.
For your information later today we will be performing our security drill. This is a necessary exercise that must be performed each year, as part of our safeguarding duties, just like our fire drills. The students have all been informed of what they must do during this event by their form tutors.
Herts Haven Cafe are going to be delivering Exam Stress Workshops in the new two weeks for Year 10 and upwards. For more more information please go to #mentalhealthfriday
Year 8 parents evening is this Thursday! Booking is still open via EduLink #parentsevening
We are very lucky to have NHS Mental Health Practitioner Francesca working with students every Monday in school. Here she is with colleague Mish delivering a workshop for parents on how to identify and offer support with mental health problems to the young persons in their lives. We are aiming to run these workshops half termly.
Reminder! We are running a parent workshop for all your parent carers. Topics including exam stress, positive use of social media, friendships and resilience and practical ways to help your child with their overall mental health
Eid Mubarak to all celebrating! May this blessed occasion bring joy, peace, and countless blessings to you and your loved ones. ✨🌙
We are running a parent workshop for all your parent carers. Topics including exam stress, positive use of social media, friendships and resilience and practical ways to help your child with their overall mental health
Fantastic to see so many students using breakfast club, and getting a free breakfast if they are FSM. Nearly 90 young people this morning and a really lovely buzz. #sorrynotsorryforthe80sfilmreference

Our Houses

Our Houses are named after environmental leaders who are strivers, achievers and positive role models. Embodying the values and ethos of our school, they are an integral part of our school community.
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