Kids Yoga Training and Products

YOGAKIDS is the premiere kids yoga teacher training program for empowering children.

Use our kids yoga teacher training in your home, classroom, yoga studio, and medical practice. For expertise in teaching children’s yoga, look no further than our one-of-a-kind Certification Program. To begin TODAY, learn about our online Level 1 Foundations.

coping methods
tools for anxiety
self-care strategies

social skills
fitness & self-esteem
community building

energy regulation
classroom management
academic success

** Endorsed by Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, & Jean Houston, Ph.D.**

Registered Children's Yoga School Logo

YogaKids is recognized by Yoga Alliance as a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher Training School.

YogaKids: The Kids Yoga Teacher Training Program

yogakids classes = fun + mindfulness + movement

Why YogaKids? Because a YogaKids class is not like any other yoga for kids class. A YogaKids class is unique, active, and fun! Also, they’re educational! Our YogaKids Teachers blend the benefits of yoga with games, reading, math, science, art, and more! Furthermore, a YogaKids class reaches the learning style of each and every child.

Kim Vulinovic teaching a YogaKids ClassWhat our Teachers are saying about YogaKids!

“I never DREAMED there would be such an amazing and effective organization who would ‘back’ me and my kids yoga business. This organization has training that will blow your mind! The amount of creativity, support, ideas, guidance, tenderness and enthusiasm from this entire company is limitless. My business would not be where it is today without YKI.” – Carolyn Tracy, Certified YogaKids Teacher

“As soon as I began to share the word of my new profession, doors flew open to me. Within the 9 months I took to complete my at-home-practicum, I earned more than enough income to cover all of the expenses of my kids yoga certification. Since then, I am gainfully working as a YogaKids teacher in the Oak Park area. My annual billings are about $70,000, and I still have lots of free time for myself and my family. I believe in everyone’s right to earn a fair living, and YogaKids has brought me financial rewards as well as those of fun, balance and boat loads of happy children.” – Kim Vulinovic, Certified YogaKids Teacher & Trainer

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Halloween Lesson Plan

Halloween Lesson Plan

AGES:  2-6, 7-11 MATERIALS Halloween music and something to play music (i.e. speaker) Halloween coloring  pages Markers or supplies for ...

Walking on Sunshine

AUTHOR: Chelsea Keller AGE GROUP: 2-6, 7-11 MATERIALS: Blank sunshine coloring sheets, markers, crayon, stuffed animals/breathing buddies, The Yoga Garden ...

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