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Page last updated at 15:03 GMT, Wednesday, 3 March 2010
A tale of homelessness on the Isle of Man

Life after homelessness for Manx teenager

Homeless charity Kemmyrk helps people living on the island's streets but now has to raise £100,000 to stay open.

One of the people who has benefitted from Kemmyrk's work is Alex Bridson who received help and advice to help turn her life around.

Estranged from her family, Alex left home when she was 17 but was too young to go on the housing list.

She spent the next few months living in a damp bedsit with no furniture, a baby and a bout of depression.

Two years on, Alex and her baby daughter have been reunited with their family and have a safe place to live thanks to the help and support available from Kemmyrk.

She says they were a 'lifeline'.

Kemmyrk is Manx for a place of refuge and in the last three months has helped more than 100 people like Alex.

In September they launched a peer education scheme to teach the island's school children about the reality of living on the streets.

Alex is one of eight peer educators who go into schools and colleges to share their stories and help other people who may find themselves in a similar situation.

The organisation is now solely reliant on donations and fundraising events. It works with anyone over 16 and is based at 9 Myrtle street, Douglas.

New HQ for Manx homeless charity
27 Jan 10 |  Isle of Man
Night shelter set up for homeless
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