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Pets for People with Allergies

By: TerrificPets Editors

Of the millions of people across the country, approximately fifteen percent are allergic to animals, namely dogs and cats. Even so, many of these people with allergies chose to get a dog or cat, replace one after it died or keep the pet they already had although advised by their physician to give the animal up. Many people feel that allergies to their pets are a minor inconvenience compared to the joy and companionship of owning one. If you are considering getting a dog, but suffer from a pet allergy, become as knowledgeable about allergies as possible and learn about practical ways to manage your allergies so you can experience of pleasure of having a dog.…

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Piedmont, MO

German Shepherd Dog

Giant Schnauzer
Giant Schnauzer Content
Life Span: 12-15 years.
Litter Size: 5-8 puppies/litter
Group: Herding, AKC Working
Color: Giant Schnauzers come in two colors, solid black and salt and pepper.
Hair Length: Medium
Size: Extra Large
Shedding: Lite Shed
Male Height: 25-28inches
Male Weight: 80 and 100lbs
Female Height: 23-26inches
Female Weight: 60 and 80lbs
Living Area: Giants require a lot of exercise as they are energetic dogs. The best suited home for a Giant would be out on an acreage or in a home that is active and would provide the dog with stimulation and activity. These dogs can do well in the city though, as long as they are exercised enough.

About this Breed

The Giant Schnauzer is a dog with a square build, a short, slightly arched back that slopes down a little. The head is about half as long as the back from withers to tail. The muzzle and top of the head should be parallel. The nose is large and black. Eyes are dark brown and oval shaped. The teeth should make a scissor bite and there should be no under or over bite. In some countries, where permissible, the ears are cropped. Ears should stand sharp and erect. The tail is set on high and carried erect, and where permissible docked at about the second or third joint. Schnauzers have oval chests that reach down past the elbows, and a clear fore chest. The belly has a slight tuck up. The legs are straight and the elbows fit closely to the sides. Feet are round with well arched toes, with long hair, owners often comment on how they look like bear feet. The neck is powerful, strong and arched with no dewlap. The coat comes in two colors, solid black or salt and pepper.
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