Welcome to the updated Littlefriends site.

There are a few changes from the previous presentation that regular visitors to the previous site might like to be made aware of:

1. People had asked for different set outs in the data columns. Some wanting serial number order, others squadron order and even aircraft type order – as this does not always follow serial order. The choice is now in your own hands! Each column heading now has an arrow, and a click on this will change the order within that column.

2. The revised site did not originally have the option for the number of entries displayed. This has now been done and again, the choice is yours, from the drop-down menu.

3. With illustrations now showing an enlargement from the thumbnail, the caption will no longer be displayed with the enlargement as this is not really necessary. I have many illustrations to add and this will be done over an extended period. I also intend to upgrade photos to a larger size if possible, as I proceed.

4. Due to the inordinate amount of spam that I continually receive, my email address has been removed from the page footer, and a contact page provided instead. This will not bother most of my regular contacts as they will already have my email address.

5. The site has now been made “mobile friendly” so that it can be easily accessed from smart phones and such. Due to the small screen sizes of such devices, only about three columns of the data will be visible. To access all details of the entry, there is a + sign at the start of the row, and clicking on this will then present the remainder of the data for the entry. Currently this does not apply to the global search page but only within the individual unit pages.



Nigel Julian of the 56th FG site and I have teamed up to take advantage of the outstanding artwork of Zbigniew Kolacha, to illustrate with photographs and profiles, recent new discoveries of previously unidentified 56th FG aircraft. Due to be covered in three volumes, this first one should have been available long before now but thanks to publishing problems in Poland, it looks like it will not now be available until well into 2,014. We have however seen the finished artwork and can confirm that it is outstanding. 56th FG fans will be overjoyed with the result and will hopefully think the wait worthwhile. STOP PRESS - Now available (signed) from Halesworth Airfield Museum.


Best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution.

All of the photos on this site are freely sent in by donors for the enjoyment of the world in general. I have no objection at all if people want to download these images for their own enjoyment, reference or research. I do however object strongly to their use as mere commercial items for earning money by people who have no right to their use. Many of these images were donated by the veterans themselves or their immediate families and it grieves to me to think that the memory of the men depicted and commemorated here is being tarnished by personal greed.


Due to the way that the ISP's on-line database works, the normal process of updating does not filter new entries into their proper place, in either the unit inventories or the galleries. From previous postings concerning updates, I have had to answer many queries, concerning what visitors though to be missing entries. I have therefore decided not to make any more update announcements save the occasional one or two concerning major changes. The first of these concerns the 56th FG gallery where you will notice that there are now 555 illustrations sorted into squadron and then a/c code order. The Scouting Force has received similar treatment. Next in line is the 339th FG gallery. As I will still be unable to insert any new illustrations into their correct sequence, I will add an addendum at the end of each gallery. Other recent changes are the removal of the links page, due to so many other sites disappearing, and its replacement by a glossary. My next step is to remove the News Page and replace it with ad hoc items. I am open to suggestions for the replacement of the news page.

Please consider making a donation to help us continue developing Littlefriends and to keep the site free from banner ads or sponsorship.

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Barred Letters

Where individual aircraft code letters have been barred (under-scored) I have previously shown them as an under-score. However this was not really satisfactory as it did not take account of those few instances where they were over-scored instead.
Barred letters are now shown by a / instead. This now permits the / to go before the individual letter to show an over-score or after it to show an under-score.
Similarly this now enables the Scouting Force to be shown correctly as the Experimental Force under-scored their unit code letters whilst the 2nd Scouting Force over-scored theirs. The / is therefore shown either before or after the squadron code letters to indicate this.