Drag Racing Association of Women

               "Fast Help for Fast Friends"






DRAW's motto is "Fast Help For Fast Friends" and our sole mission is providing financial and emotional support to qualified individuals involved in a drag racing accident at a track.

Financial assistance paid 1985-2023 - $5,471,013
Number of families assisted 1985-2023 - 1004

Our hearts are broken with the passing of our friend Rosalee Noble. The Lord gave this earth an angel for over 80 years but took her home, to alleviate her pain. We mourn our loss but are grateful that we were able to enjoy her blessing, joyful spirit and servant leadership in our lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and those she touched during her 30+ years of service to the Drag Racing Association of Women. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to D.R.A.W.

Rosalee's Funeral Arrangements

Visitation: 5:00 to 7:00pm, Saturday June 8, 2024

Service: 11:00am, Sunday June 9, 2024

Adams Funeral Chapel

2330 Shawnee Drive

Charleston Illinois 61920


The History Lesson

Deb Thompson, DRAW Historian

I thought I would do a little reminder about those we should remember as
a part of the history of DRAW.
I mentioned the Tracy Winters Memorial Golf Tournament that was held
during the GatorNationals in March. For those who might not remember or are
new to DRAW, Tracy Winters passed away in 2013. She started as an Area 2
Coordinator for DRAW from 1993 to 1997. She was also on the Board of Trustees
from 1994 to 1998 and again from 2000 to 2013. She was DRAW Press Secretary
from 1995 to 1998 and in 2002. Tracy was an integral part of the golf tournament
held during the GatorNationals (first held in Gainesville in 1997), and it is now
named in her honor.
Tracy once quoted “Remember, you can’t control the length of your life,
but you can control the depth of it.”
With all the “talk” about always looking forward, sometimes it is nice to
reflect on the important points and people in our past to appreciate where we are
today and to continue moving forward to honor the work done before us. And
that’s just what we do...honor those before us and those that continue to need
us. Thank you for keeping DRAW moving forward!

Cards & Letters to Injured Racers is so Important
One of the great things about the Indy race is we generally get to see some injured racers from the past. It is always so heartwarming to get to visit with them and hear how they are doing. This year we had three racers stop by, Larry Sisk, Tom Brown and Ryan Gortney. When we work the booth or talked to the injured racers on the phone, we get to hear how important DRAW is important to their recovery. But only a few of us are fortunate enough to experience these "warm and fuzzies." Below is a letter from one of our current injured racers Andrew Blanton along with some pictures he sent with the letter. Please keep this letter in mind and when you get your DRAWing attention newsletter each month to send a few cards and/or letters out.

Dearest DRAW, 

Hi! I wanted to say hi and thank you to some of the friends that have kept in touch with me from DRAW. Constance Smith, Judy and Bill Leahey, Ray and Millie Martel have sent some very nice letters and they have made the most recent past a lot better. Please thank each of them for me and try to explain how much good happens from a single handwritten "hello". I have added some pictures of myself, Annika my daughter (sounds like Onikuh) and Kara my girlfriend. Thank you again from care and support.  The people at DRAW make my daily life a lot better!!!

Warm Regards
Andrew Blanton
Drag Racing Association of Women Clarification

Due to a recent situation, the board members of the DRAW feel the need to clarify an 
item from the organizations Bylaws. 

Racers receiving aid from the Drag Racing Association of Women can not return to 
driving or riding a race vehicle and continue to receive aid from DRAW.

The thought being is that racer aid is there if you are not able to work or participate in normal life activities and have doctors orders that say so. If you are capable of 
operating any racing vehicle, then you should be capable of working or participating 
in normal life activities and will no longer receive aid from the Drag Racing 
Association of Women.

Take just a little time to be prepared
I recently was slightly involved in something that made me want to write a little story
about being prepared for the worst. In this day and age, anyone that is 18 years or 
older should at least have a Power of Attorney in place and if you have a spouse, dependents or loved ones that depend on you make a Will. If you were to pass away tomorrow is everything in place to take care of the people you want to get taken care 
of? If you do not at least have a POA then you risk having everything tied up in court, sometimes for years, while the State tries to determine who should get your assets. 
Sit down with a lawyer and get a POA made up and put on file so if something does 
happen, your family and loved ones are not stuck trying to obtain what is supposed 
to be rightfully theirs.

Chris Hardesty

Sign up to receive the monthly DRAWing Attention
newsletter via email! 
Just click the link below and we will get you on the list to receive the DRAW monthly newsletter via email and keep up to date about everything that is DRAW. You dont
have to be a member of DRAW, the newsletter is FREE and we never, ever sell or
share your address.
Sign Up Now

Committee and Volunteer Opportunities for 2024
In 2024, DRAW will mark its 39th year of providing "Fast Help for Fast Friends." It takes the time and talent of many people
to make our mission a reality. There are many ways you can help make 2024 DRAW's best year ever.

DRAW's lifeblood is dedicated volunteers. You can make a valuable contribution to DRAW by joining one of our committees: Website, Newsletter, Membership, Fundraising, Injured Racer Calling, and others that might arise during the year.
If you are interested in volunteering or joining one of DRAW's committees, please submit an application to Chris Hardesty, PO Box 365, Danvers Il 61732-0395