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Morning Docket: 06.04.24
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 06.04.24

* Columbia Law Review's board of directors took the whole website offline because the journal published an article from a Palestinian scholar. It's still down. [The Intercept]

* Summer associates getting trained in generative AI, which makes a lot of sense for wary firms because they're already taking everything from summers with massive loads of salt. [Bloomberg Law News]

* Fake money begets fake tax obligations as FTX and the IRS propose tax settlement for about 10 cents on the dollar. [Law360]

* Bob Menendez to launch independent Senate campaign because trials cost gold bars. [Courthouse News Service]

* Partner launches age discrimination suit against former Biglaw firm. [ABA Journal]

* First day of Hunter Biden trial seems to confirm two things: he committed this crime and we're wasting a lot of time and money on something that could've been dispensed with by the original plea deal. [Reuters]

* Elie Mystal details Project 2025 and the prospect of a second Trump DOJ. [The Nation]

Upside Down Over A Parking Spat — See Also
See Also

Upside Down Over A Parking Spat -- See Also

Alito's Neighbor Gives Some Background On The Upside-Down Flag: Looks like there are more people to blame than Alito's wife.

Unfortunately, They're From Harvard: Retired judge wishes he spread the love to other schools.

Who Needs Proof When You Can Ramble?: Trump's attorney shows you don't need evidence to yap.

Firm Gets Sued For Revoking Job Offer: This was entirely foreseeable and should surprise no one.

SUNY Buffalo Law Professors Push Administration To Drop Charges On Their Students: Now that's faculty support!