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    • Now why'd you have to go and say something like that for? 😋
    • Michael Having walked all five of the Normandy beaches, sobbed in the cemeteries at Colleville and Bayeux, and stood on the Point d' Hoq, in awe of those that climbed those cliffs, I feel that today should be reserved for those that died in that operation to be especially remembered. There will be other days to remember those that died in defence of freedom, whether it be Korea, Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan. Someone far cleverer than I once said, "Freedom isn't free." One has only to look at Colleville, Bayeux, the American cemetery at Cambridge, and at Arlington to know that the heroes in these places paid the ultimate price. To them I say "Thank you".                              
    • I really enjoyed the video too. The Corsair is such a graceful looking plane, I've always enjoyed seeing them and the history is fascinating. I also grew up near Stratford CT so there's a local connection as well.   Some years ago I went to a Corsair reunion at the Bridgeport airport featured in the video and got to see five Corsairs flying. I wrote up a brief story and some photos here:    
    • At the risk of pilling on, Sirrus, if you really believe what you posted a couple of hours ago,  "Shame on you, those heroes lying in the earth at Colleville-sur-Mer must be turning in their graves."   Yes I fought in Vietnam and we didn't conquer the world,  Vietnam was a fight which many people in the US didn't agree with and probably never will.  Allowing everyone to have and express their opinion is part of what we were fighting for in Vietnam as well as every other war the US ever engaged in.   Yes injuries incurred in Vietnam ended my flying career and I still carry lots of scars and have mobility issues from it.  But I and many others including the over 50,000+ whose names are on the Vietnam Memorial Wall did the best we could with the hand we were dealt!    I'm not aware of anyone including myself trying to glorify the Vietnam War.   To be honest I've never tried to glorify any war.  Though I am in awe of those who actually had the nerve to fight when called!  Including those who wear the uniform today!   God bless all who fought in the defense of their country!  They should be remembered on 6 June, and should be remembered every other day as well!   Rupert    
    • Frank, At least for me you have outdone yourself with this video. The F4U has a place near and dear to any US Marine, exemplified by the well known exploits of VMF-214 "Black Sheep" with Maj. Boyington at the helm. I just finished reading two-years of war-time daily combat reports for the Black Sheep. Over and over again, the F4U proved itself worthy for the fight. Your video has so much of areas I've actually overflown in real aviation. I especially appreciated you adding Arlington National Cemetery and the Pentagon. Appropriate respect to those lost in WW-II. Again, Well Done. Bravo Zulu!  
    • The Making Of The WW2 Vought F4U Corsair By Frank's MS Flight Sim   Come see who made the iconic WW2 Vought F4U Corsair, complete with some mis-management and fraud, and where it was made. Learn about some of its early weaknesses which had to be rectified before it was certified for aircraft carrier use. Some MSFS and real-life carrier footage is included at the end. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.     Frank's MS Flight Sim   https://www.youtube.com/@FranksMSFlightSimulator About Frank's MS Flight Sim New channel begun in 2021. Visit notable airfields and areas in Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). Themes so far include: WW2; Bush/Mt./Water/Outback strips; “Golden Oldie” strips; heritage/vintage strips; and aircraft accident investigations. More different themes to come. Expect a new video roughly each week. Provides brief, interesting information, often with history, geography, maps, pictures etc, and great places to fly in MSFS. Focus is on interesting content rather than production values.  
    • Sirrus, I have family members who landed on Omaha. So June 6th has personal meaning in my home.   As for the C-141 post, if you for once would get some facts straight, I posted this on February 9, 2023. YOU are the only one who brought out this thread on a somber historical day. As to you comment that: "all that members of Club Chachapongo can do is to try and glorify a war that the Americans lost. Shame on you," That's a rather pointed, off-base and inflammatory comment. The original post that started this thread was created a year before the Club even existed. "All the members", there was only one who posted on that day, Rupert, a Viet-Nam disabled vet. Shame on YOU!   And as to Rupert's post supporting a comment about C-141 crews who brought POWs home ( I saw no glorifying of the Viet Nam War in his post}, if you didn't like his timing, you could have responded directly to him via message, not in the thread.
    • On a day where world leaders honour the veterans of the 132,000 that landed in Normandy 80 years ago today, all that members of Club Chachapongo can do is to try and glorify a war that the Americans lost. Shame on you, those heroes lying in the earth at Colleville-sur-Mer must be turning in their graves.
    • I get it's a typo, but as someone who worked with both the C-141, and the C-131 during his Navy career, they are on my list of iconic aircraft. For that matter, I also would put the C-118 on there. Love those birds.
    • Come see who made the iconic WW2 Vought F4U Corsair, complete with some mis-management & fraud, & where it was made. Learn about some of its early weaknesses which had to be rectified before it was certified for aircraft carrier use. Some MSFS & real-life carrier footage is included at the end. Hope you enjoy. Cheers.    
    • The issue here is layering in the scenery configuration library.   Get the free Lorby-SI Addon Organizer, and use it to move your add-on scenery to above the ORBX products.   The Addon Organizer is here: https://www.lorby-si.com/downloads.html   Jorgen
    • Thanks for the info of this 'iconic' aircraft.. Yet another that I will be adding to my collection.
    • I appreciate the feedback, the DPC latency tracker said i had several programs running poorly snd would affect audio, paraphrasing.    unfortunately my brain is attention limited with respect to troubleshooting. No worries, at worst ill just fly default planes. 
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