Welcome to the Neverwinter Nights 2 Character Builder!

Eager to create your ideal character? Jump into the builder by clicking 'Start New' in the green Builder banner above.

The Library and Armory offer a complete knowledge base on all aspects of the game, from skills and feats to weapons, armor and items.

Don't forget to check out the new NWN2DB forum created by decado.


Recent Character Builds

Below is a list of the most recent character builds. Click on a build name for more information.

  Build Level Author Game
Herald of the Storm Dragon 30 Chürch x2
[OC+MotB] Accompagnato Altissimo 30 Fox News kaedrin
[OC+MotB] Grave Singer 30 Fox News kaedrin
[OC+MotB] Power Ranger Trainee 30 Fox News kaedrin

Use the build search engine to find builds created before or after specific dates.