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Jun 6, 2024

Bannon for Prison: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Rand

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Admittedly, soon-to-report-to-prison-by-July-1st Steve Bannon (BBC News), podcasting bigmouth promoting lawless Tr*mpism, has for years reminded me of historical figure Albert Pike both in physical looks (check out Albert's photo), and ideologically from sedition to the dream of a third world war and global fascist domination, all Uranian pursuits of chaos, disruption, and mayhem.

Actually, their shared anti-humanity agenda has sometimes been out in the category of "Utopian Idealism" in which lawlessness is the ruination of civilization (and the bad guys win), and Ayn Rand's sociopathic idolatry of serial murder is alleged to be the "moralistic" way to exist - selfishly by objectivizing other people. If you're not one of the ones deemed by narcissistic sociopaths to be dispensible, that is.

Of course, since 1776 this American experiment is about mankind's ability to govern himself but that's not what Uranian zealots want - they're determined to be the ones doing the governing like feudal overlords holding all the wealth and privileges. And all spearheaded by a "president" gifted with total immunity for any crime he's in the mood to quixotically commit, including murder, Ayn Rand's favorite. In other words, no one will be safe, even the enablers of their psychopathy.

For background see How Ayn Rand Became An Admirer of a Serial Killer (not for the squeamish). And here's a view of Rand's natal horoscope where we find her natal Chiron now visited by transit Pluto, the Plutocracy duo, and her natal Venus, apex of a T-Square, is lingeringly contacted by transit Neptune @29Pisces. She'll get no glamorous portrait from me!

Now I prefer never to chortle over the misfortune of others but if I relent, it always concerns what they're reaping due to their own sorry behavior. This is what I call karma - reaping what's been sown, a natural law that no earthling can escape forever. Yet despite this, if Steve Bannon does see the inside of a jail cell, I'm certain he'll manage to make as much out of it as possible. Sabotage by Uranian zealots goes on!

Pike, Tr*mp, Bannon: Jupiterian Figures with Uranian Intent

Above you see a NASA portrait of planet Jupiter. But for the scheming podcaster's natal chart details try: Steve Bannon: In the Realms of Jupiter.

And so a typical cussedness we've seen a lot lately in US politics has been denial of responsibility by the guilty, and we can easily plop the names of scofflaws Bannon and Tr*mp in the blank spaces. Therefore, a reluctant peek at current planetary transits to Bannnon's natal planets had to be done with an emphasis on Saturnian responsibility. Here is the primary transit I discovered:

On June 14, 2024, transit Saturn @19Pis14 sesquisquares his natal Saturn @4Scorpio, which marks a period of complexity when Herr Bannon must face up to his responsibilities. It's a karmic time finally come, and he'll reap what's been sown and, if he's smart, he'll correct past mistakes, if he's willing.

For as you know, this legal predicament issues from his lack of response to a congressional subpoena concerning the J6 coup attempt, with lawmakers and an authoritative subpoena falling obviously under the auspices of planet Saturn and the fact that Bannon was called to Capitol Hill to account for himself, a societal responsibility which he declined to fulfill.

Summer Solstice 2024

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Astrologically, a steamy Summer 2024 is forecast as we can see in the DC Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2024 with the season's Water-Fire blend of conscious and unconscious energies which can sterilize but may also scald:

Shown above: Summer Solstice June 20, 2024 4:50:58 pm edt Washington DC USA with Scorpio rising and Leo at Midheaven, both rigid Fixed signs of inflexibility and perseverance. It's a solar hour and the Moon @15Sag20 in 2nd house leads a Locomotive shape of planets with ruthless determination toward success. This looks as if fluctuating finances may be involved, including campaign donations. Yet there's the Sun in the 8th house of Shared Resources, and banker Jupiter in the 7th house of Partnerships!

An Apex Sun

There are two main aspectual difficulties for the Sun (leadership): a waning square from nebulous Neptune, and an inconjunct from powerful Pluto Rx. Brief potentials are penned within the aspect grid along with the Moon-Saturn square. Well, no surprise for obviously our society this summer will continue to experience subversion, investigation, and craftiness. We don't need Astrology to tell us this!

Meanwhile, the primary midpoint picture is notated on the chart: Sun = Mars-MC with a potential for blocking out unwanted elements. I should also mention that paranoia concerning foreign invasion is another potential suggested by this word picture and I suspect these energies relate to the Great Saturn-Neptune Conjunction of February 20, 2026 @00Ari45. I connect them mainly because I still consult America's July 54, 1776 Horoscope with Aries Point conjunct 1776 IC, and the fact that Reinhold Ebertin in his book on midpoint pictures gives one potential of Saturn-Neptune = IC as, hysteria. Can paranoia be far behind? Nope, because penned on the above chart is "Mars-MC" = "Fostering paranoia for political control" (M. Munkasey).

Yet it isn't as if this cynical political ploy isn't already being used againt us, among others, agreed? After all, Maga-ites are masters of fear and paranoia promotion and their gullible cult members fall for the most astoundingly absurd conspiracy theories which makes them look like fools.

So suffice to say in this brief post, a long hot summer is upon us and Campaign 2024 will do We the People few if any favors as the season broils on into Autumn. My hope is that we all will manage to stay cool enough to keep our political jalopies on the road so that we can uphold democracy and freedom in Election 2024 - and thereby sabotage the seditious saboteurs and radical anarchists determined to enslave humanity.

Something I like to remember is that throughout history, barbaric forces of tyranny, hatred, and violence do not have righteousness on their side - for the cause of righteousness is on the side of freedom and democracy, the best form of government that man has yet to devise - and democracy must be continually defended from the forces of evil that would envelope us and our children, so let's pile into that jalopy in November, America!

D-Day 1944: The Invasion of Normandy

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Somehow it seems very small on this 80-year anniversary of D-Day June 6, 1944, the Invasion of Normandy, to reduce such massive energies to a mere Horoscope symbolizing the operation that began the beating back of Germany's Nazi forces and the subsequent Allied liberation of Europe.

Today, eighty years later, brutal Nazism again attempts to take over in Europe and where they don't belong--the United States of America! And today President Joe Biden speaks in France at the ceremony honoring the soldiers who are still with us, and those who are not. My uncles who fought are no longer around but the Horoscope of the Normandy Invasion is shown here as a small tribute to all Allied forces led by Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower, and all other participants in the grand fight for freedom, liberty, and democracy and to those who fought and resisted in other ways:

One interesting chart feature that describes Operation Neptune is that asteroid EROS (the piercing) @00Ari35, the premiere Cardinal World Point of Manifestation, opposes oceanic planet Neptune Rx @1Lib28 denoting the amphibious landings of 1944. And for those who use America's July 4, 1776 late afternoon horoscope (I use 5:09 p LMT), this descriptive opposition lands upon the shores of the chart's MC-IC axis of security, home, and public status.

Then significantly, today is cosmically marked by a New Moon @16Gem18 (conjunct Venus as in 1944!) at 8:38 a edt, the seeding and planning lunar phase which will culminate with the Full Moon of June 21 2024 @1Cap07, a Summer Solstice 2024 Full Moon suggesting a series of fulfilling events through Summer 2024 in relation, I hope, to the further beating back of today's crop of tyrannical despots, wanna-be dictators, and all anti-democratic sociopaths with Nazi leanings.

Horoscope of World War Two.

Previously on SO'W: Neptune and The Nazis Search for the Holy Grail.

Jun 5, 2024

Columbia: Dec 1819 Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In case the astrology chart of Columbia should be needed at some point, below is a version from Nicholas Camption's The Book of World Horoscopes (#063; #ad) for Columbia December 17, 1819.

The theme of the country's 1 South Solar Eclipse is penned in the center of the horoscope along with a few other basic notes of interest sprinkled around the chart:

"SP" = Secondary Progressions: a day for a year

And if we progress the 1819 noon horoscope to our era, we find that Columbia will soon reach a New Moon phase on August 8, 2025 @17Can52 with its Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy and exploitation conjunct the Aries Point of Global Events. This indicates that the country has been experiencing a Balsamic dark of the moon phase since October 28, 2021 with SP Moon @29Tau16, a critical-crisis degree, and SP Sun @14Can16.

So as always, my heart is with the good people of Columbia and with the populations of other South American countries, and not with the people who exploit them and plunder their reosurces.

Jun 4, 2024

Maga Marge is "desperate"

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Marjorie Taylor Greene is reportedly "desperate" to impeach President Biden over the border situation. Perhaps you've noticed her kicking up a storm of contention in the House and her extreme malcontent could hardy be more obvious. She's even assaulted her own political party calling Republicans "feckless" and useless" because they won't go along with her impeachment efforts, and all performed to please her idol, convicted felon Trump. Or are there bigger bosses behind the scenes pressuring her?

Well, we can see that Maga Marge is the restless kind who expects a lot, as shown by her natal chart even with only a "noon" horoscope to study.

And yes, we've considered her planets previously but here they are again. Below the chart I'll list the five dates of her current, first-ever Chiron Return/s the first of which occurs on or about June 19, 2024, and note that she may have been stirred up more than usual by the April 8, 2024 8 North Solar Eclipse ("dreams and visions") @19Ari24 conjunct transit Chiron, also @19Ari24 - even though her natal Chiron clocks in @22Ari56 in her noon chart (she's a sensitive gal, perhaps a bit psychic), as you see here with May 27, 2023 planets penned around the outside; her unrealistic expectations are in focus:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene May 27, 1974 "noon" Milledgeville, Georgia; Chiron @22Ari56; Chiron Return a five-fer on or about these dates:

1. June 19, 2024

2. September 1, 2024

3. April 11, 2025: transit Sun conjunct her Chiron

4. December 6, 2025

5. January 29, 2026

As we see, this is an extended period of lessons from wounded healer and blindspot Chiron who teaches those who listen with the right spirit. Thing is, each Return will emphasize the meanings of her Chiron's natal aspects which include: a conjunction with Venus, possibly a trine with her Moon, definitely an aggressive square from spunky Mars, and an opposition with Uranus, the radical anarchist.

And if we add to these energies her big-dreaming, grand-scheming Jupiter-Neptune square we find Maga Marge having difficulty dealing with the harsh realities of life, prone to misjudgments, and somewhat on the gullible side. Now there's a quality an experienced con man can certainly take advantage of for his own purposes, yes?

For more Chiron info see: Chiron in Houses, Signs, and Aspects, Maritha Pottenger; and Richard Nolle's Chiron, The New Planet in Your Horoscope #ad.

Which Nazis Took Power in 2022?

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy

Prior to our Midterms 2022 Elections when "MAGA" seditionists somehow managed to take over the US House of Representatives where their antics continue to underwhelm and thus help them avoid actually governing (at least until the 119th Congress swears in), we discussed disturbing topics such as The Nazi Regime and US Election 2024. The comparison remains worth keeping in mind as the November 2024 Elections approach.

In the post, the 1933 Horoscope of the Nazi Regime is displayed if you'd care for a look-see, and mention is made of the Eclipse Saros Series in which the monstrosity of blood lust took control in Germany, along with the fact that the same Series, 6 South, repeated on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio (landing upon the Ascendant of NATO, btw), and our 2022 Midterm Elections occurred within the time frame, bringing Maga-ites into the powerful halls of Congress.

6 South themes are descriptive of events in 1933 and in 2022: "being forceful and taking power; manic energy; sudden events," and "huge efforts in group activities" (B. Brady). As you know, Nazis used violence as a tool to force their ideology upon society, and nowadays old man Trump favors that idea - of using violence against his "fellow Americans." These are "obsolete ideas," as the 1933 horoscope shows via venal Venus in Capricorn opposing primal Pluto in Cancer, and the planetary duo in opposition is associated with violence, envy, jealousy, and the mishandling of money and resources. In fact, bankruptcy can follow.

So for me, if not for you, these particular Venus-Pluto potentials sound like things that Herr Trump, a Uranian reptilian, has been intimately accustomed to, been motivated by, and has used to his advantage for decades.

Speaking of Magas, if you're curious, here's a noon natal horoscope of perhaps the leading Maga troublemaker in the House, Marjorie T. Greene, aka, "MTG". Feast your eyes!

For the sake of comparison, here's a bi-wheel of the initial 6 South Eclipse of March 6, 1049 @21Pis55 conjunct Venus, showing a forceful Mars-Pluto opposition, and karmic Saturn @27Cap19 conjunct US 1776 Pluto (abuse of power issues), surrounded by the 6 South repetition of October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio, the Eclipse that influenced Midterms 2022 when Maga-ites gained a claw-hold in Congress:

Now as everyone knows, forewarned is forearmed, so here's the revealing J6 Solar Return Horoscope for January 2025 showing the brutal "win at any cost" Mars-Pluto opposition that our government fails to prepare for with more-than-equal force at our nation's peril.

And here's The Eclipse of the GOP's Project 2025, their dystopian plan for effecting the total ruination of America as we know it. An imperfect nation are we, yes, but who in their right minds can't do a better job at the helm than hate-filled Trump with his carnage, concentration camps, sadism, and loss of freedom?

Jun 1, 2024

"The Storm" Eclipse of 2019

Capricorn: Sign of Government, Law, Business, and Authority Figures

by Jude Cowell, partisan for our democratic Republic

As agent orange lurked in the people's White House playing POTUS, year 2019 opened with a significant Solar Eclipse in the 2 South Saros Series @15Cap25:02, and if we use the First Vote for Independence Horoscope of July 1, 1776, aka, the Powell Horoscope of America, the Eclipse landed upon - "eclipsed" - the Powell Moon, symbol of We the People - as independence and freedom from oppression were demanded.

Actually, this cosmic synchronicity (Sun-Moon conjunct Moon) gave many Americans the intuitive ability to realize on a deep level what authoritarians were up to and to understand what must be done, while others compounded our nation's karmic debt by repeating mistakes of the past - or by trying to (ex: the Naz*s desire for world domination via brutality and theft). A "unified Reich," as Trump has subversively promoted.

So recognizing that some folks have referred to the J6 coup attempt as "the storm" or "a storming, below you see an unmarked version of the 2 South Eclipse of January 5, 2019, aka, "The Storm" Eclipse based on its future direction North Node's rounded-up Sabian Symbol, "A Storm in a Canyon"; negative potential = "fatuous enjoyment of turmoil" (M. E. Jones). Perhaps we can agree that turmoil, chaos, and disruption are precisely the tactics that Uranian Trump likes to create and use against us for like Naz*s in the olden days, such conditions create the best period of time for reforms to be more easily implemented - distasteful, dystopian, undemocratic, and anti-American as his so obviously are:

Planetary aspects to 2 South provide a fuller picture of conditions and trends:

Saturn conjunct Ecl: those with responsibilities related to 2 South themes and who are well-equipped to correctly handle the issues (Saturn in its own sign of Capricorn);

Pluto conjunct Ecl: Plutonians unite; a network of Syndicates; negative potentials include gang wars and rapes, and other criminal offenses (Pluto in Capricorn: the dictator - R. Ebertin). Note that the harsh, compressive Saturn-Pluto Conjunction of January 12, 2020 was yet to come and would conjoin Trump's natal Vertex @23Capricorn, a point of fateful encounters and with a potential for "wish fulfillment."

Neptune sextile Ecl: inspires the loftier side of Neptune's spiritual gifts, plus, psychic and intuitive powers increase bringing hope to the downtrodden masses.

2 South Themes: Unusual groups; finding a particular group to join where a great deal can be gained (paraphrasing B. Brady). Initial 2 South occurred on April 17, 991 (OS) @1Tau47, Venus conjunct Aries Point, and Pluto-NN = Jupiter (@12Aries): "Desire to obtain position and power by force through the help of other people" (ex: Putin); and "attainment of great gains through others " (R. Ebertin). Michael Munkasey adds: "potential success through an ability to use people" and "An enhanced ability to read the political motives of the people you meet and assess their needs for power".

Other prominent features of 2019's 2 South Eclipse include: Saturn-Pluto conjunct Sun/Moon: sparing no pains in one's work; over-exertion; cold feelings; a tragic destiny for women (R. Ebertin); Munkasey adds: important denials of extremes; controlling emotions as you push toward goals; dominating others through a strong will; strong control over other people's habits (and over women's healthcare, as it turned out--jc).

And here's a bi-wheel of our Powell Horoscope of July 1, 1776 (inner) with the 2 South Eclipse 2019 Horoscope (outer) as a transit chart:

Events of 2019

Multiple events in 2019 relate to issues of freedom and independence. One such involves the INF Treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) which was signed by Reagan and Gorbachev on December 8, 1987 at the White House under the influence of a 7 South Eclipse with themes of Mars-Pluto power issues. The INF was set to expire on August 2, 2019 but earlier on February 1, 2019, now-felony-convicted Trump confirmed that the US had withdrawn from the INF citing Russian non-compliance. Next day, Russia withdrew from the Treaty as well, and considering Trump's close tie with authoritarian Putin, one might reaonably expect that their withdrawals were coordinated.

Obviously, this freed Putin and Trump on the nuclear level to act as they wish by failing to renew the 1987 aggreement and by not signing a new version. Of course, in 2022 Putin invaded Ukraine and is destroying the country as best his massive ego can.

So! Follow the 2019 link, above, to check for additional events influenced by the group-joining 2 South Eclipse until the 3 North of July 2, 2019 @11Cancer over South America with themes of "news that transforms a situation" and "obessive worry" (B. Brady).

In closing: if you're concerned for America's future with foreign and domestic enemies continuing to target the US, you may wish to see a previous post Is History on Russia's Side?

Recommended for more eclipse info: Predictive Astrology, Bernadette Brady, and Your Prenatal Eclipse, Rose Lineman (AFA) #ad.