St Annes Buxton & John Fisher & Thomas More Chapel
Tel Buxton 23777, Chapel-en-le-Frith 813491

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Prostration of Clergy at St Anne's Buxton

Healing the Wounds of Sexual Abuse
The parish of St Anne’s Buxton recently held a day of prayer for survivors and victims of abuse.  Child sexual abuse not only grievously harms victims of it, but it all too often wounds communities where it happened. There can be deep feelings of betrayal, shame, hurt and mistrust for communities as well as, and more importantly, the victims.


A message from Bishop Patrick in an address to the Parishioners of St Anne's, Buxton during their day of prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse (Loudfence) on April 23rd 2024
"This evening my prayers and thoughts are with all the victims of the horrific crimes of Fr Paul Cullen, but particularly those victims and survivors from this parish of St Anne’s here in Buxton..."  Click to read more ...

A message from Bishop Patrick in an address to the Parishioners of St Anne's, Buxton during their day of prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse (161kb)

St annes


Father Gerry Murphy tel Buxton 23777 

BUXTON Mass times:
Sunday 10:00 am
Monday & Friday 10:00 am
Saturday 11:00 – 12:00 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Click for readings at mass ...

Chapel 813491
Deacon Don Lavery tel 07581 786753

Saturday 5:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am
Friday   10:00 – 11:00 Silent Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Click for readings at mass ...

St Anne’s Pastoral Parish Council Email
Rob Aldous, Maggie Baldock, Nicola Barnes, Lesley Crowther, Thomas Langer, Mark McCabe, Fr Gerry, Yvonne Ripley, Katherine Scott, Margaret Swift.

1st/2nd June 2024  

Feast of Corpus Christ (Year B)

Saturday 01 - June 
  5:00 pm Live Streamed Mass at Chapel-en-le-Frith - for all parishioners

Sunday    02 - June  
10:00 am  Live Streamed Mass at Buxton for Geraldine O'Connor RIP and Desmond O’Connor RIP anniversary

Monday  03 - June
10:00 am  Mass at Buxton  for David Skidmore RIP 

Wednesday 05 - June 
10:00 am  Mass at Chapel-en-le-Frith  for Celie Barnes RIP

Friday   07 - June    
10:00 am Mass at Buxton for Andy Fisher RIP 

Saturday 08 - June
11:00 am - 12noon Adoration and Confessions at Buxton

  5:00 pm  Live Streamed Mass at Chapel-en-le-Frith - for all parishioners

Sunday   09 - June
10:00 am   Live Streamed Mass at Buxton  for  Patrick O'Connor RIP

Please pray for:  Linda Jones, Mark Hambleton’s mother, who died recently. Please remember her family in your prayers

Week of Guided Prayer: 16th – 22nd June. Thank you all for welcoming Sr Treasa last weekend. She is inviting us to join this week of guided prayer. The week entails meeting with a prayer guide for 30 mins each day, Monday to Friday, and committing to prayer for 30 mins each day. The week will begin and finish with a group meeting in the Parish Centre: Sun at 4:30pm and Sat at 10:30am. There is a basket for completed slips at the back of church. Next Sunday will be the last day for returning them. Please see me if you have any questions. 

FIRST COMMUNION THIS YEAR – will be taking place on the weekend of 15th June in Chapel at 5:00pm, and 16th June in Buxton at 11:00am Sunday mass. There is a final parent’s meeting 
in the Parish Centre this Thursday, 6th June at 7:00pm.  

FR GERRY’S GOLDEN JUBILEE – I will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of my Ordination as a priest on Sunday 30th June with a Thanksgiving Mass at 11:00am and a celebration in the Parish Centre afterwards, to which you are all invited! You should have received an invitation on the way in to mass. Mass will be at 11:00am and there will be a hog roast, with vegetarian alternatives, dessert and drinks afterwards. For catering purposes, if you’d like to come, please fill in the reply slip with your details, how many will be in your group and if you have any dietary requirements. Pop it back in the envelope and return it by 16th June. We will need volunteers to help: setting up, serving drinks and cake, and clearing away afterwards. Please speak to Anne Parker or Jacqui Lavery in Chapel, and Margaret Swift in Buxton if you can help.  

SUPPORTERS OF BUXTON MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY (BMAG) are being urged to attend a photo opportunity at 11am on Sat 8th June. The Museum was closed on 1st June last year following the discovery of dry rot in the building and there has been little information about its future. Supporters are asked to gather in the Green Man Gallery yard at 10:40am and then move to the front of the Museum for 11am when the petition will be handed over to DCC leader Cllr Barry Lewis. There is still time to sign it:  Petition · Save Buxton Museum & Art Gallery from permanent closure - Buxton, United Kingdom ·

AFTERNOON TEA in memory of Marie Lawton is being hosted by the WI in the Playhouse 22nd June, 2:00-4:00pm. Tickets cost £12.50 and are available from Halls Mica. Proceeds to the Christie in Macclesfield. 

Unfortunately, the SALE OF BENCHES FROM TIDESWELL fell through, so everyone who placed a bid for one is now back in the running. There are still several benches available; if you want one, please act quickly! Sealed bids to Deacon Don; he will announce the outcome next week. 

TAIZÉ STYLE PRAYER SERVICE Friday 21st June at 7:00pm. All are welcome. 

PRAYERS FOR PEACE AT THE TURNER MEMORIAL  every Saturday, 11:00 – 12:00noon led by the Society of Friends. It’s a silent witness with no spoken prayers. All welcome, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. 

Fri 21st June at 6:00am. See me if you are interested in joining us. 

100 CLUB – Chapel winners: £50 Mary Atherton; £25 Jennifer Kelly. Buxton April and May draws will take place today. 

In the weeks to come, we’ll hear a lot about the issues political parties say voters care about. But as Catholics, we know that caring for the poorest and most marginalised people both here and overseas is among the most important issue politicians should act on. During the election campaign let us make sure our candidates hear about the issues that matter. See UK general election 2024: A guide for Catholic voters ( 

If you would like to include anything in the newsletter, please ensure that we receive it by Wednesday of the week before to allow sufficient time for printing.

St Anne’s Buxton RCP: Sort Code 30-96-18: Account No. 00420334

St John Fisher and St Thomas More Chapel-en-le-Frith RCP: Sort Code 30-92-59: Account No. 03351306

ST ANNE’S DROP-IN PLAYGROUP For families with children aged 0-5, come and join Marion, Gráinne and Liz at St Anne's drop-in playgroup every Wednesday from 9.30 am to 11.15 am (term-time only) in St Anne's Community Centre. Please join us, you’ll be very welcome!
Follow us for updates on

St Anne’s Voluntary Academy, Lightwood Road, SK17 7AN Tel: 01298 23589 Email: Headteacher: Mrs Julia Wiggins

St Thomas More Catholic Voluntary Academy, Palace Fields, SK17 6AF Tel: 01298 23167 Email: Headteacher: Mr David Redfern

Church safeguarding contacts:
Buxton: Margaret Swift: Tel: 07513 725529
Chapel: Sue Thornhill: Tel: 07513 725269

St Anne’s Pastoral Parish Council
Rob Aldous, Maggie Baldock, Nicola Barnes, Lesley Crowther, Thomas Langer, Mark McCabe, Fr Gerry, Yvonne Ripley, Kathryn Scott, Margaret Swift

Chapel-en-le-Frith PPC: Joan Matthews, Pat Dawson; Hugh Doherty, Lucia McLean, Anne Parker, Jacqui Lavery, Barbara Hindley, Anne Lomas, Frank Frost, Peter Barnes, Sue Thornhill, Deacon Don and Fr Gerry

Centre Management Committee (CMC):  Peter Barrett, John Cassidy, Sue Hardman, Clare O’Neill, Marion Redman, Bruce Thomson

Click to see the new St. Annes Community Centre website

Payments can also be made by BACS:

Please pay: Sort Code: 30-96-18   Account: 00420334

Name of account:  St Anne's Buxton RCP

Please use reference  ‘ChurchCollection’  or  '100 Club'

Payments can also be made by BACS:

Please pay: Sort Code: 30-92-59    Account: 03351306   

Name of account: SS John Fisher & TM Chapel FR RCP

Please use reference ‘ChurchCollection’ or '100 Club'