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Pathways to Decarbonization: A North American Aluminum Roadmap

A new report from environmental consulting firm ICF and the Aluminum Association lays out theoretical pathways to achieve industrywide carbon emission reductions consistent with the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Net Zero by 2050 goals. 

Aluminum Industry in Action

Aluminum Week: Sen. Capito Talks Manufacturing with Aluminum Association Members

West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito joined Aluminum Association members this week to talk about her work on manufacturing, investment in West Virginia, recycling, trade, taxes and more. This was a great opportunity for our members to hear from a policymaker who is making a difference for aluminum producers – and all manufacturers – in her state and beyond.

Record Recycling Jobs, Economic Output for U.S. Aluminum

A 2024 study shows found that the U.S. aluminum industry directly employs more than 164,000 workers and drives $92 billion in direct economic output.

U.S. Aluminum Drives Modern Manufacturing

Over the past decade, the aluminum industry has invested more than $10 billion in U.S. manufacturing to support growing demand for the metal. 

Aluminum Carbon Footprint Cut in Half Over 30 Years

A third-party, critical-reviewed life cycle assessment (LCA) report found that the carbon footprint of aluminum production and recycling in North America was cut in half since 1991.

Latest News & Information

U.S. Aluminum Industry Meets Growing Demand While Decreasing Impact

The U.S. Aluminum Industry Sector Snapshot report shows positive environmental impact trendlines for the U.S. aluminum industry on virtually every measure since the 1990s. Notably, aluminum producers have accomplished this during a period when demand for the metal has grown by more than 25 percent domestically.

Report Details Pathways to Reduce Emissions, First Mover Advantage for North America

Improved Trade Monitoring and Targeted Enforcement Still Needed to Combat Unfairly Traded Metal

New Economic Impact Report Shows Decade Highs in Some Sectors, Declines in Others

President Biden’s Call for Enhanced Section 301 Tariffs Consistent with Aluminum Association Position

Industry Statistics

Vital business intelligence on the industry for the industry

The Aluminum Association’s more than two-dozen different statistical reports cover every segment of the aluminum market, from orders to shipments to capacity. Our decades of experience and relationships allows us to survey aluminum companies directly to access near real-time information on shipments, mill orders and other market trends. And now these reports are available as interactive, presentation-ready charts and graphs you can manipulate directly through the system. This is data and information you can’t find anywhere else in a newly accessible and convenient format.

Statistics domo sample image extruded products

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