How much is my pachinko machine worth?

Generally about $20 to $100 but it could be more or less depending on many factors.  There were hundreds of thousands of pachinko machines imported in the 1960s and 1970s so they aren’t rare.

Read our FAQ to determine the Date of Manufacture for your machine.

Date of Manufacture Range of Typical Selling Price
for a working but unrestored machine.
See below for other factors that affect the price.
Late 1970s $20 – $100
Early to Mid 1970s $20 – $75
1960s $20 – $100
1950s $100 – $300
1940s $???

NOTE: A machine is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay for it.  And there are many factors that can impact what the buyer will pay.  Below are a few of the factors.


Is the machine clean or dirty?  You may get less for a dirty machine because 1) cleaning it takes a lot of time and 2) a dirty machine sometimes means the mechanical parts and levers may stick and not move properly or balls may not flow smoothly through the machine.


Is the chrome on the front nice and shiny or rusty?  Rust on the front of the machine isn’t attractive and rust or corrosion on the metal mechanical parts of the machine can cause the machine to not always function properly.


Are there water stains (dark cloud looking shapes typically found on Nishijin machines) around some of the pins or pockets or other parts on the playfield?  This is cosmetic only.  Is the wood of the playfield cracking? This could impact playability of the machine (typically found on Daiichi machines).  Is the plastic laminate of the playfield peeling off? The machine is or will soon be unplayable.

Playfield Glass

Will the glass or plastic that is covering the playfield need to be replaced?  Cost $10 to $20.


Does the machine come with balls that are clean and not rusty?  Cost for 500 balls; $25 to $50.


Does the machine have support boards or wires on the bottom so the machine won’t fall over?  Cost $10 to $30.


Do the lights work?  They are optional as you can play pachinko without the lights but most people want the lights to work.  Cost $15 to $60


Are there broken or missing parts?  If so, parts typically can only be found by taking them off another machine.


Packaging, shipping and insurance can be expensive.  A buyer typically will pay less for a machine that has to be shipped.


It might be hard to find a pachinko machine in some countries so the prices can go a lot higher.  In the U.S.A. there are a lot of machines, especially on the East and West coasts and in large cities so the prices are typically lower.  However, even in rural U.S.A. where there are few machines, there are also few collectors so the prices can be lower there as well.


By theme we mean a design on the playfield or the playfield parts such as butterflies or sumo wrestlers.  If you can find a buyer who is interested in your theme, such as a butterfly collector, you may get a higher price then someone who doesn’t care about butterflies but just wants a pachinko machine.


Some people have a sentimental connection to pachinko.  It may remind them of a person or an earlier time in their life.  If they find a machine like the one they remember, they may be willing to pay more for it.


95% of pachinko machines work on gravity alone and the wires and fuse are only for optional lights.  However, there are a few machines that may have a motor or other electrical components requiring a 24V transformer.  If those components don’t work or can’t be tested because there is no transformer, that could impact your selling price.  A transformer costs $10 to $30 but the other electrical components are virtually impossible to replace.

Single Ball

For machines from the 1960s and earlier, you had to pick up each ball, one-at-a-time, load it in the machine and launch it on the playfield.  Machines from the 1970s have a play tray that feeds balls automatically when you launch a ball.  Even though there are fewer single ball machines and they are older, most people prefer not to load each ball separately so that may impact your selling price.