Large SUVs struggle in IIHS tests

The longstanding small overlap front test proved challenging for two top-selling models.

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It’s time to regulate vehicle automation

It’s time to regulate vehicle automation

As both partial driving automation and highly automated vehicles become more common, we lack commonsense rules to guide their use and collect safety data.

By David Kidd

More safe, affordable options for teens

More safe, affordable options for teens

IIHS and Consumer Reports are raising the bar for their recommended used and new vehicles for young drivers now that prices have stabilized.

Making deliveries safer

Making deliveries safer

Equipping light vans with four key safety features could address nearly 4 out of 10 fatal crashes involving such vehicles.

pedestrian safety

Key highway safety topics

For decades, IIHS has been a leader in finding out what works and doesn't work to prevent motor vehicle crashes from happening in the first place and to minimize injuries in the crashes that still occur.

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