The World of Psychoville

Psychoville is so much more than a TV series. Alongside each episode, writers Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith and the online team have lovingly crafted extra content in the form of character websites, webcam videos, games and surprises at every turn. Each series is accompanied by a sinister interactive journey to follow, and a host of character websites to enjoy reading.

Psychoville ExperienceExperience

Your very evidence wall from which you can keep track of all the characters, visit each of the sites, and unlock a secret chamber at the end of the series.

Focce websiteFocce

The Federation of Clowns and Children's Entertainers website where you can cure your coulrophobia (fear of clowns) and design your own clown make-up - go Focce yourself!

Debbie HartSmells Like Debbie

Debbie Hart's website - the name got mixed up with her perfume, and her autobiography. Catch up on all the Debbie goss, read a sketch from her cancelled sketch show Stinkfinger and watch a free preview of her yoga DVD!

Hoyti ToytiHoyti Toyti

Hoyti Toyti's webshop - browse for bargains, offer virtual Peter your commodities in the Valuation Booth plus loads of antique toy themed games!

Biggins PantoBiggins Panto

Everything you wanted to know about Biggins Panto, the stars of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and other upcoming shows at the same venue such as all female brass band The Fallopian Tubas and their hit song Grumblin' Ovary.

Robert Greenspan's profileRobert Greenspan

Robert Greenspan's profile page, which he doesn't update nearly often enough. Kerry leaves a lot of messages though. And DON'T CLICK on the Midget Gems link!

Midget GemsMidget Gems Video

A chapter in Robert's history he would rather forget. Browse through all of Midget Gems titles such as Wood in the Babes and Horny Dumpty, plus a FREE PREVIEW of one of Robert's films.

Lomax CommoditiesLomax Commodities

Take a trip to Oscar Lomax's trading site Lomax Commodities and find out how to spot fake plush toys (eyes too big, eyes too small, genitals too detailed...)

Jelly PartiesJelly Parties

Mr Jelly's website is a bit ramshackle, but you can inspect all 16 of his Hundred Hands, and you can even book him for your party, stag or hen night! Well, you can try...

Jolly PartiesJolly Parties

By contrast, Mr Jolly's site is a much more professional affair. Find out how he gets into character and there's even a fun and games section with a joke generator and the Find the Funny Bone game.

Series 1Murder and Chips

All the latest news and info about the UK's premiere Murder Mystery Troupe. A bit out of date now, considering several of the troupe have passed on.

Series 1Best Murders

David's obsessive serial killer fan site. Watch his webcam videos, read up on his Fav Killers, ask Cyber David a question and play the Best Murders Quiz!

Series 1Freddy Fruitcake

Joy's 'Advice to Young Mums' website. Find out what the euphemism 'Rolling out the brown carpet' means, and check in on little Freddy using the Freddy Fruit-Cam!

Series 1Inside Ravenhill

Drew Aspinall's site logging his visits to the abandoned Ravenhill Hospital to discover its secrets for himself. Includes a CCTV feed which is still eerily broadcasting footage from a fateful encounter there one night.

Goldfish Bowl ProductionsGoldfish Bowl Productions

Goldfish Bowl's website has info about all their groundbreaking TV shows, the last known interview with Phil Walker...and can you discover Kenchington's secret message?

Kenchington's MessageKenchington's Message

If you don't possess the requisite detective skills to unlock Kenchington's safe, or you're pressed for time, here's a direct link to Kenchington's message. Put your headphones on, turn off the lights and keep repeating "It's only a recording, it's only a recording..."

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