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Revs Hog Motorcycles

Revs Hog Motorcycles

Revolutionised Rev's is back in business!

Having lost 90% of his stock in last summers floods, an Upton on Severn motorcycle specialist has re-opened his workshop. Tewkesbury's Tim Aston was at the 'shop warming party' and he writes the following...

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Upton on Severn reverberated to the sound of a local motorcycle specialist kick-starting his shop into action after flooding wiped out the popular motorcycle workshop for a second time in 2007.

"The Rev", as the lifelong biker is known to his friends, threw an impressive 'Shop Warming Party' recently to celebrate the opening of his new premises.

His old premises succumbed to the deluge in the summer of 2007. Struggling to come terms with the loss of 90% of his stock, and damage to tools and equipment after the 2007 floods, Rev considered giving it all up.

It has taken almost a year and lots of hard work, encouragement and assistance from a loyal band of customers and friends, but fortunately for Harley owners everywhere, the work has paid off and in June 2008 another business was proud to announce "We're open!!"

The new premises are perfectly suited to Rev's business, with a good sized workshop and a counter area with parts and accessories on display.

'Shop warming party' at Revs Hog Motorcycles

(Photo: Tim Aston)


Rev has worked hard to recreate the intimate feel of his old shop, as much for himself as well as to make his customers feel at home.

He even managed to salvage his old desk. With a big chuckle Rev was keen to point out if his new premises flood, then Noah would be back in business too!

Pride of place in the showroom was given to a 1942 Military Harley, that has led a fascinating life.

This particular type cemented the Harley name into the history books as it was a hard working and reliable machine used by servicemen during the War.

Some years later the bike on display was completely restored as part of the popular television show "A Bike Is Born."

Rev was involved with the filming and his idea for including local Harley Riders talking about their bikes for each episode was quickly adopted by the directors.

This same bike also appeared in the movie "Evita" alongside Madonna giving this machine real provenance.

'Shop warming party' at Revs Hog Motorcycles

(Photo: Tim Aston)


Good company and stunning countryside views set the backdrop for the afternoon's party. The vibrant atmosphere was aided by the mixed aromas of hot oil, hog roast, and cold beer.

The rhythmic thump of huge Vee Twin engines coming and going, with a local band belting out classic rock providing a suitable party soundtrack.

Paul Timpson from Zodiac Racing arrived with an impressive display of Harley parts including a stunning chrome covered replacement engine for the early Harley models.

There was also an impressive collection of customer bikes that continued to grow throughout the afternoon.

Parked carefully amongst all the bikes was another one of Revs many customers - a member of the local constabulary who turned up for social call having time for a bite to eat and a quick chat with some of the other Harley riders.

'Shop warming party' at Revs Hog Motorcycles

(Photo: Tim Aston)


Having been struggling for a while it now looks like Rev will be flat out coping with as many as five customer bikes a week.

His skilled approach, vast experience and superb reputation amongst the Harley owners bringing in riders from all corners of the UK and Internationally to have Rev work on their prized machines.

Rev was smiling all day constantly congratulated by his customers, many of whom have become close friends.

He was keen to point out that the kettle is always on providing a social aspect to his business, and this was sorely missed for the months the flooding put his business out of action.

The bikes themselves are stunning machines and even non motorcyclists stop to admire the vast array of bikes, some with superb custom paint and highly polished chrome.

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Harley riders themselves come from all walks of life and all ages, but this weekend they had a common message "Well done, and Welcome back Rev!"

This article is an external contribution and expresses a personal opinion, not necessarily the views of the BBC.

last updated: 11/07/2008 at 09:16
created: 10/07/2008

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