
Will you provide safe homes for nurses caring for people affected by leprosy?

Donate now

You can give these amazing nurses a safe and comfortable home

Many of the dedicated nurses working in our hospitals live in homes with leaky rooves and walls, that regularly flood during the monsoon.

Their living quarters are old and in poor condition. And every day, after a long tiring day, they come home and have to cope with faulty electrics and unhygienic toilets.

You can change this.

You can help fix the roofs and the broken fixtures.

You can give these amazing nurses a safe and comfortable home for them to rest and recover.

Donate today to help provide safe homes for nurses

Why leprosy?

Every two minutes, someone is diagnosed with leprosy. That's more than 200,000 new cases a year. Although it is curable, millions of people worldwide are living with the effects of the disease, from physical disability to mental health problems, poverty and discrimination.

How we do it

Everything we do is focused on our goals of zero leprosy transmission, zero leprosy disability and zero leprosy discrimination. We work in four key areas to achieve this.

Our Mission

We are a global Christian organisation leading the fight against leprosy. Following Jesus Christ, we seek to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy and empowering people to attain healing, dignity and life in all its fullness.

Alano and his wife

In 2022...

Diagnosis graphic

Over 40,000 people in the community were screened by health workers and female community health volunteers in Nepal

Megaphone graphic

1 million people heard radio messages raising awareness about leprosy in Niger

Healthcare graphic

The team diagnosed 970 people with leprosy amid conflict in Mozambique

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How your money is spent

Find out how your money makes a difference to some of the world's most marginalised people.

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Our history

We've been supporting people affected by leprosy in Africa and Asia for almost 150 years.

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