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" Found Your Selection Of Subjects And Customer Communication To Be Excellent... "

NLP Subliminal Cd I had considered buying Subliminal audio tracks from several companies over the past few years but found most to be very expensive.

When I found your website I was happy to see that I could purchase several audio tracks for a fraction of the cost of these other programs. Additionally, I have found your selection of subjects and customer communication to be excellent.

- Alex Maldon
Canton, GA

" I Am Blown Away! "

Having great difficulty in achieving orgasm the "normal" way, I bought your subliminal CD on the subject. I haven't yet had a chance to try the results on my boyfriend, but if the DIY sex is anything to go by, I am blown away! Thank you.


"I'm Grateful For Using Your Product..."

Hello, I listen to the audio and it change my confidence within a week.

Good things are now happening to me, opportunity are right in front of me and I'm grateful for using your product.

Francois Vallee
North Carolina, United States



"Who Else Wants To Use a Scientifically Proven Method To Unleash The Maximum Potential Of The Mind To Attain Your Goals?"

For centuries, it has taken years of physical, mental and spiritual training to achieve peak states of consciousness. Our State-Of-The-Art subliminal cds and audio programs will help you quickly learn to harness the power of your mind to help you in your quest for personal health, self growth and fulfillment.

Subliminal Messaging - Does it work?

Listening to subliminal cds can result in very powerful effects. We all know that. So powerful, in fact, that the U.S. Government banned subliminal messages on radio and television in 1974. Reports stated they “gave individuals and companies too much of an edge”.

"ChargedAudio's Subliminal Reprogramming Techniques
With NLP Is Definitely Cutting Edge..."

Incredible!! I have always known the importance of the subconcious mind. But using ChargedAudio's subliminal reprogramming techniques with NLP is definitely cutting edge. Thanks

You need Flash to listen to this file. Download Flash here!

Dave Pike
North Carolina, United States

"Getting More Done In Less Amount Of Time..."

I have only just begun cd audio for willpower series. I have been experiencing a very subtle but definte change as I am getting more done than usual. I go easily from one project to the next and keep going with fewer lags and confusing pit stops.

I am seemingly more focused and getting more done in less amount of time. I acredit it to listening to the cd on a continual basis during the day and just before bed at night. Many thanks and looking forward to ordering more cd's in the future.Also it was delivered in a timely fashion! 

You need Flash to listen to this file. Download Flash here!

Katerine Carrasco
San Francisco, United States

"Charged Audio completely changed my life!"

Subliminal Cds really do workI wanted to see what this whole subliminal thing was all about, so I bought your CDs because I knew I could get my money back anyways. Now I regret it.........not listening to your CDs earlier, that is!

I really can't believe the change and power that I feel every day. I don't know how you do it, but I listen to your CDs in the car when I'm on my way to work, and I've been realising that I'm a lot more positive and a lot more driven. I'm doing so much more these days that's amazing!

So thank you! You don't know how grateful I am. Please feel free to use this as a testimonial as well - I want to let people know that I recommend your product 110%.

- Ian Sherman

Yet subliminal messages haven't died. Today, magazines such as New Scientist claimed the concept was the "future of learning". Individuals such as Derren Brown are showcasing their effects in modern "mind" shows. Large retail stores are using subliminal cds and music to reduce theft. Celebrities such as Tiger Woods and Anthony Robbins are raving about it being the key to their success.

What if you could do that, to yourself? What if you could send subliminal messages to your mind -- not just once, but hundreds of times -- all to change your life for the better? Wouldn't you like...

  • Supreme confidence, like that co-worker or classmate who's always so confident?
  • A photographic memory, and never forget any details?
  • The ability to pass that examination with flying colors?
  • Greater wealth and business success?
  • An exciting love life and get the partner of your dreams?
  • Amazing public speaking skills, so that you can talk to crowds with ease?
  • Razor sharp wit that you can use to impress the people you meet?
  • A James Bond personality?

What do you want? What if you had it, right now? How would you feel if I told you it was all possible? What are you waiting for?

Unleash The Power Of Your Subconscious And Give Yourself That Edge Too!

There are various subliminal CD vendors currently in the market. But can their mass-produced and cheap subliminal cds really improve your life?

At, our Award Winning Subliminal Messaging System is used to handcraft each individual cd, thus ensuring that you get the most effective subliminal recording possible. In fact, we are so sure that our products will work for you that we are offering you a 1-Year Money Back Guarantee. Something that other subliminal messaging companies are afraid to offer. Doesn't that make you wonder why?

Click here to browse our entire collection of Subliminal Products

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