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Thursday 6th June 2024

I decided to put up last night's stone clear,  though it's very much at listener discretion and may upset you if you take it as being real (but is it?). Only one person has been in touch expressing concern, but I guess if you've got to episode 162 without saying anything, then one more isn't going to worry you.
And to keep up the madness (real or comedic or both?) I decided to record episode 99 of Twitch of Fun. Who would have thought this idea would run for so long? What's reassuring is that it doesn't seem to be getting any more viewers over time, nor is it really getting any fewer. It's consistently unpopular/acquired taste. It was a relaxed one tonight, with mainly just me and Ally chatting and I have to say it's very nice to have a reliable friend that you can just shoot the shit with. Everyone should have an Ally - just talking to him for 45 minutes (with him in an unusually uncruel mood) made me feel a lot happier. He's my best friend.
I mean a lot of the stuff I do on these esoteric podcasts is exaggerated or made up, but on tonight's Twitch of Fun I genuinely felt touched and moved by the bond of friendship that I've built up with this potentially murderous puppet who is obsessed with having sex with my mum. All later middle-aged men should have an Ally. I have seen too many of my friends and peers drift towards crazy right-wing or conspiracy theory ideas and can't help thinking they could be as sane as me if they just made a friend of the 132 year old ventriloquist dummy that their great-grandads made. I guess I am the lucky one.
Twitch of Fun 99 will be up in the usual places on Friday.
I put Ernie to bed before the show. At night we like to do a check in where we ask him about his day. I asked him what his favourite thing about today had been. "Let's look into the mind of Ernie," he replied.
Love it.

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