Reaching your community for Jesus

Training and equipping churches for mission

The impact on churches

Jesus Christ known in every community in London


Have we forgotten about sharing the gospel with older people?

LCM Field Director Kevin Croft asks how we can rebalance our evangelism so we might see a truly intergenerational church.

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Young people


Islam and other religions


Homeless and marginalised

Upcoming Events

Every Tuesday

Online Prayer

Join us online every Tuesday, 6-7pm for inspiring stories & prayer for our missionaries.

15 June

Reaching Seniors with the Gospel

Join us for our practical evangelism training day on reaching seniors with the truth and love of Jesus.

22 June & 6 July

The Big London Walk

Get your walking shoes ready and help shine the light of the gospel on London streets!

6 July

Muslim Engagement Conference

A day dedicated to building your confidence in talking about Jesus with your Muslim friends, neighbours and colleagues.

22-26 July

Ministry Summer School

A week-long training programme equipping church leaders and mission workers with practical tools for effective urban mission.

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