Tips to Keeping a Clean Home with Cats
Tips to Keeping a Clean Home with Cats
29 Nov

Any cat lover can say that even if kittens are excellent companions, they often create a big mess at home. Between the litter box, the feeding area and everything that comes off, you can quickly feel like you’re living in your cat’s house and not the other way around.

If you feel like you are burning all your free time while tidying up Tiger, do not despair. Here are some tips to follow the chaos of the cat, which can make the job much more comfortable and less time wasting.

Use a No Scratch Spray

There is no doubt that cats enjoy scratching carpets in the house.  Scratching is a natural behavior that cats exercise; their claws are an essential climbing tool that needs to be kept sharpened.  In order to prevent carpet scratching and keep your carpets new, carpet cleaning should be performed regularly followed by an application of no scratch spray on carpets to deter your cat’s curiosity.

Find a Good Litter box

For most people, the cat toilet is undoubtedly the most unpleasant aspect of owning a cat. If the kitten is an accomplished garbage extractor, he may end up with more damage out of the box than in it.

Place the litter box instead of the carpet on hard floors. Linoleum, tiles and wood floors are much easier to clean and also avoid sanding the carpet. Cleaning on bare floors is easy: just sweep up the escaping sand and disinfect the soil as often as essential.

It’s a good idea to invest in a sand mat large enough to fit under the sandbox, with at least 6 inches to the front of the pitch. This will be the first surface that will touch your cat when it comes out of its box, and it will catch some or most of the excess garbage that sticks to its paws and between the toes. Whenever you lift the bedding, carefully lift the mat and shake the excess in the box.

Give a Blanket To Your Cat

Choose a blanket or comforter as “cat only” and cover the places where the cat likes to fall asleep: his couch, his bed or even his favorite place on the floor. This reduces the amount of cat hair that accumulates on furniture and bedding, and you can clean fluffy blankets with a lint roller or hand-held vacuum cleaner. You can also throw it in the washer and dryer as needed. Try to choose blankets or quilts on easy-to-clean natural fabrics that have not been treated with flame-retardants.

Set Aside a Few Minutes Every Day to Brush or Comb Kitty

Spend 5 or 10 minutes brushing your kitten’s hair every day. Not only is it a great opportunity to interact with your cat, but it can also work wonders by reducing the number of hair you drop in the house. You will also improve the condition of your kitten’s coat with your daily brushing sessions, and as a bonus, little problem of hairballs can also disappear.

Invest in a Handheld Vacuum

Instead of having to pull out the upright or closet vacuum every day (or more often), imagine that you just pick up a lightweight vacuum cleaner to quickly pick up garbage, cat hair or food on the floor. You probably will not think twice, right?

To remove cat hair from upholstered furniture, you can use a handheld vacuum cleaner or a lint roller. Or try this trick: put on rubber gloves, moisten something and put your hands on the furniture to lift the cat’s hair. Rinse gloves as often as necessary and store them until your furniture is no longer fur-lined with leather.

Dust and Vacuum Often

It is a fact of life that dusting and vacuuming tasks often need to be done when you share the house with pets. Cat hair and loose sand can quickly occupy your living space, and it’s much easier to stay on the top than to let things slide. Developing a weekly habit of dusting and vacuuming will make your home a more welcoming place for all family members and guests.

The Health Benefits of Having a Cat
The Health Benefits of Having a Cat
22 Nov

This is a fascinating subject! Above all, if you are thinking of buying a cat and you do not know if it’s a good decision, guess what? This piece contains answers to your questions.

Did you know that there exist actual health benefits for people who have cats? Sounds interesting, right?

Cats are amazing, they are a good pet, and sometimes they can appear evil in their behavior. But the truth is that there are incredible health benefits for humans to have a cat. Some of these benefits will be discussed below in detail.

Anxiety And Stress

This one is common, and virtually, everyone knows it. A cat can reduce your stress or anxiety. Cats are soothing, and all studies have shown that when you stroke a cat, you will have less stress or anxiety in your daily life. Even if you face it, your cat will help you relax. There are relaxation centers around the world where you can pet a cat for a few hours to get rid of fear. It’s interesting, right?

Blood Pressure

Yes, cats can help you lower your blood pressure? The presence of cats bring calmness, and the scientific explanation is pretty much similar to the last point. Russia did an interesting study about this about 20 years ago. They put a few cat owners in a room and asked them to scream while listening to loud music. The same thing was tried with people who didn’t own cats. The result was completely different. Those who didn’t own cats had huge blood pressure rise compared to the cat owner. That indeed proves something.


It has been discovered that cat parents can be more social than those who do not have pets. Also, a study (statistical study) showed that women are more interested in men who own cats because feline parents are considered affectionate and intelligent.

Reduced carbon footprint

How about a serious benefit that matters to the world, not just for you? It’s here! It was an interesting study a few years ago, and it was discovered that when you pet a dog, you harm the environment because dog food and toys can produce a huge ecological footprint of a car or ‘an air conditioner. On the other hand, if you stroke a cat, the carbon footprint is insignificant, and there is nothing to fear.

 Reduces the risk of heart disease

What is one of the most common heart diseases? Without a doubt, a heart attack and a Minnesota study have shown that if you have a cat, you are probably at least 30% less likely to have a heart attack or other heart condition. It may sound strange, but it’s true. Even cats can help you stay away from type 2 diabetes. It is well known that cats have their unique abilities to stay away from this damage.

 An excellent companion

Let’s face it. People are not really one of the best companions. If you really want to spend time with a good companion, a cat might be the pet for you. Cats are great companions for many reasons. Yes, a dog brings some benefits, but a cat is always more fun. They are playful, funny and hairy. What do you want from more than one partner?

Ideal for people with allergies

Almost every study has revealed from time to time that it is very likely that your child has allergies or similar problems in his life if you allow your child to play with a cat from day one. Cats reflect the positive enzymes and mental gratification that make their children’s bodies and minds more open, leading to fewer concerns about allergies.