It was exceptionally gaudy.

Next Comic ETA: May 13th, 2024

(Current Stream Plan: (None Currently planned)

Dang. I really miss doing stream things. I think I'm gonna try to see about getting back into the habit. The main hiccup I found was I wanted to work on art that wasn't just the comic update, so been trying to build a little buffer of various pictures I can work on for funsies and hangouts with folks.

Been hit with a brainworm of a story idea that has been dividing my focus some. Sometimes the struggle of the creative muse is it will just want to hyperfocus on something you really don't have time for. Like ugh! I have so many things I want to do. But in that 'no make, only have!' kind of way. Kicking myself into doing it feels like 80% of the battle these days.

- Ambaaargh

Originally inspired by Furcadia, DMFA updates (hopefully) every Monday.