Online since 2002: The biggest & most shambolic web site devoted to one series of vehicle

just what your 50 series vehicle needs

So Now 22 PlusYears Online

Technical support for your 50 series and RB44 vehicles
Over 27,087 accessible pages, images, parts / technical data / workshop / service & parts manuals in html, PDF and Jpeg format (around 23Gb data so far).
This website is currently being updated with another 15gb or so of data in the form of Brochures / Technical & vehicle Specific Build information.
Not sure how to get a copy of the near double bed size diagraphic build sheet I have though?

This website is a non profit thingy, no parts are sold via the website / Greg anymore, the website is a resourse for vehicle owners / repairers / lovers / historians etc.
I will continue to add too and keep the website up and running for as long as I can.

Email with your vehicles Reg plate and VIN and build type and there is a good chance I can give you some info about your vehicle that you haven't got.

I have just had delivered over 30 A4 folders of Paperwork I have had stashed away and I haven't uploaded any of this mainly 1979 to 1987 history, including some from the pre launch showing of the 50 Series in Amsterdam in April 1979, chassis specific technical drawings in all vehicle engine / gearbox / chassis configurations (there are 100s of the buggers)
Anyhow, enjoy and save anything you need too, any questions / help needed just bung me an email BUT please put in some info, not just a 'help my brakes don't work' type thing, give me a bit of a breakdown of what you do know / need help with, this is a love thing 30 years now for me and I have retired due to medical crap going on in my life.
Oh I will shut up now.......Click below before I start up again.....

Enter Here © 2002-2024

DISINFORMATION: This web site has been knocked together with 2 bricks and a rubber chicken for your delight and I hope you all enjoy the fine discussions we have on the wonderful dodge50 series of vehicles, all information is either gleened from the official 50 series workshop manuals OR posted by members of the community.

DATINFORMATION: takes no responsibility for any mistakes or advice given, it's up to you if you take it or not, remember, All material is copyright ~ 2002~2024 unless it's someone else's and it has been begged, borrowed or made up.

DISCLAIMER: Any libel or mistakes in messages that are written by members of the community, inc the admin's and owner of this site, takes no responsibility for them, you need to contact the author and have a moan / send a writ / agree. (delete as you see fit) Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.......Etc.......Etc...........


We do not store cookies or anything on this website, I wouldn't even know how to or what to do with them even if we did, unless they are triple choc chip cookies, then we are talking a possible problem, any how getting back to the more serious stuff, we don't do anything other than use google analytics to track your location, ip address, browser and operating system, language, time and pages viewed, your life history and any photos you have posted on facebook, no only joking about the photo bit and it is all done in an anodized way :-)
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