Aerial view of St. Michael's by Matt Sheldon

We are Mottram Parish Church:
the Church of England in Mottram, Broadbottom and Hattersley East

Find us at the Parish Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Mottram, or the Magdalene Centre, Broadbottom

For a list of our Eastertide Services in 2024, Click on this link

          Behold, I am making all things new!

Behold, I am making all things new!

A meditation on the meaning of Easter by the Bishop of Chester.

"Hope is patience with the lamp lit" ( So said Tertullian, a rather controversial African theologian and bishop at the turn of the second century.)

There is much that snuffs out light and mitigates against patience: conflicts, rising costs, uncertainty, and the grinding 'stuff' of life in an age which has lost the ability to trust. We live with a such a persistent hope deficit that we often fail to notice it.

And here it is, Easter! Here we journey through betrayal in the garden, terrible injustice at the faux-trial, bleak brutality of crucifixion, and aching emptiness during Holy Saturday.

And here, now, Christ is risen!
The lamp is lit, and it is lit right here in the world to which the risen Christ returns to his disciples in the Scriptures and today: our everyday, aching, breaking and muddled world. Wait for the gift of the Spirit! Why do you look into heaven? 

The Christ will return

The resurrection changes everything, not by denying the struggles, wiping out the challenge, or overlooking our brokenness. Rather it engages kindly, patiently, and gracefully, and through both the cross and the empty tomb it offers solid and patient hope. 

Easter hope is not magic formula; it transforms reality by embracing reality and still loving. It is patience, but with the lamp lit. It is faithful, it is hopeful, and it is loving... and

the greatest of these is love.

So, I wish you a happy, hopeful Easter, whatever you face in the coming year. Be patient, keep the light of faith burning, and wonder afresh: 

Christ is risen!
† Mark
The graphic above is a design based on the work of a pupil at Bishop's Blue Coat Church of England High School

For a list of our Easter Services in 2024, click the button below

Easter Services

The Bible tells us that the Church is a ‘family’ and we are that - made up of all sorts of people with all kinds of stories. Some of us have been around the Church for decades, others are just beginning to explore what it’s all about. Some live just next-door, others travel from some distance. Not one of us is perfect. As a family, we meet for all manner of things - from school assemblies and Sunday services, to social events, weddings, funerals, christenings, practical support, prayer and bible study. You can find details of all that and more on this website. But most of all, we meet because of Jesus. Because he loves us, came to earth, lived and died to save us - and now, each and every day, gives us new life to serve our Father in heaven. However you’ve found us - and for whatever reason - welcome, we hope you’ll feel at home!

The Church is open most weeks for visitors and private prayer on Fridays from 9:30am - 11:30am. But please note that this is dependent on our cleaning and flower arranging schedules.

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Verse of the Day

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17
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north east view of St. Michael's
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St. Michael's interior
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Memorial Garden
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Magdalene Centre now
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Magdalene Centre - St. Mary's 1890
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Chandelier cleaning party
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Carols in the village
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Friends Garden Party in churchyard
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Walking with the Walkers

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