Their work revolutionised cancer care

“When I meet patients who tell me: ‘You saved my life,’ it is an unforgettable moment.” Read about laureates James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo and their discovery of a new cancer therapy.

Nobel Prize awarded discoveries

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1995
In 1974 Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina published an article showing CFC gases have a damaging effect on ozone in the atmosphere. The discovery was worrying as our ozone layer provides protection from damaging UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface.

Thanks in part to the pioneering work of Molina and Rowland, along with their fellow chemistry laureate, Paul Crutzen, the Montreal Protocol was introduced, which banned their use worldwide. In 1995, Molina, Rowland and Crutzen were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina at work.

Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina at work, January 1975.

University of California, Irvine

New episode released

Nobel Prize Conversations
There are many roads one can take in life. But to what extent will your life choices decide what kind of person you become? Listen to this podcast conversation with economist and laureate Claudia Goldin, as she discusses the choices that brought her to this moment in time.
Claudia Goldin with her diploma and medal

Claudia Goldin with her diploma and medal during a visit to the Nobel Foundation on 11 December 2023.

© Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Nanaka Adachi.



Alfred Nobel – Established the Nobel Prizes

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In memoriam

Canadian author Alice Munro passed away on 15 May 2024. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature 2013 with the motivation “master of the contemporary short story”.

Alice Munro
Roger Guillemin passade away on 21 February, age 100. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1977 for discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brain.

Roger Guillemin
Physicist Herbert Kroemer passed away on 8 March 2024, age 95. He was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics for developing semiconductor heterostructures used in high-speed- and opto-electronics.

Herbert Kroemer