Varanasi – Time Loops

The flow of time is a great illusion. Sometimes it moves fast, sometimes it slows down. It can make you feel alive or it can make you feel half dead. But in Varanasi, one can see this illusion clearly. For in Varanasi, time stops.


Given below are a series of time loops that try to capture the essence of life in Varanasi. They depict the illusion of being stuck in a time loop. For some people time does not move in a straight line, it flows in circles. Life may appear to move forward but if one observes closely, one can see it repeating itself in patterns. Check out the time loops below and see if the illusion is also present in your life.


What is, isn’t
What isn’t, is

What was, will be
What is, won’t

What flows, stays
What stays, fades

What’s loved, is suffered
What’s suffered, is unloved

What’s gained, is lost
What’s lost, is missed

What destroys, creates
What’s created, is destroyed

What lives, dies
What dies, transforms

What transforms, is truth
What separates, is illusion

What moves, is mind
What passes, is time

What is, isn’t
What isn’t, is

END NOTE: The wise people of Varanasi know that life is ruled by a simple principle- Everything Flows. The river flows. People come and go. Fortunes  and governments change. The sun, moon, seasons are all part of the flow. When one becomes aware of the flow, one can be free of illusions. I hope these words and time loops have helped you flow through Varanasi. Keep flowing.

River Songs of Pune

Every river needs its songs. Because songs can keep the river alive. Songs plant the river in people’s minds. Helping them understand the river. Songs flow into people’s hearts. Making them care.

When a river dies,
a city’s soul dies.

Pune’s rivers are in a sad state. Their source streams are being killed. Their land is being stolen. Their water is being poisoned. Their flow is being choked. Their fish and forests are vanishing. As the city grows rapidly, somehow we have lost our connection with our life source.

So how do we raise awareness about the urgency to protect what’s being lost? How can create the right action to revive what’s critical? Can we use the power of music to bring people of Pune together and fall in love with their rivers again?

60 Second Songs

A group of like minded people are joining their skills to create short, simple songs and music videos for the rivers of Pune.

If you are a composer, musician, singer, poet, school or college band who would like to be a part of the idea, you can connect with our small collective. As a creative, you are free to create your own song or look for friends to collaborate within our group.

To start off with, our aim is to come up with 7 music videos of 60 seconds each. We will shortlist the most relevant contributions and use our filmmaking skills to turn some of them into visually interesting stories.

Also a filmmaking workshop will be conducted for the collective as well as their friends, so they can also use the river songs for creating new music videos.

*This is a volunteer initiative by concerned citizens of Pune. There is no monetary transaction. All material will created with the ‘Creative Commons’ philosophy: Any person is free to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted. However, selected non-profits working for Pune’s rivers may use the songs in their fundraising efforts.

Sing With Us

Calling all nature minded musicians, singers, music composers, poets, school or college bands to lend in their skills. In case you are excited by the possibilities of this project please fill in the Google form and apply to be a part of the collective.

Songs can be in Hindi, Marathi, English or a mix. They can be longer than 60 sec. but for our project we will choose the most relevant segment of the song.

Mar 2024 – Forming the collective and working on different songs
Apr 2024 – Reaching out to colleges and schools to involve the youth
May 2024 – Filmmaking workshop followed by creating 60 second music videos
June 2024 – Phased release of the songs on various social media platforms

*Please give us a few days post your form submission to get back. Someone from our team will reach out to you soon. Also, do read up on the useful notes given below. They will give you creative ideas for the musical adventure.

**To simply follow the river songs project and catch the music when it flows, join us on Social media: Pune River Revival | Filmkaar

A Note On Pune’s Rivers

Did you know that Pune district is home to 7 different river systems? The rivers are – Mula, Mutha, Ramnadi, Pawana, Indrayani, Bhama and Bhima. Meandering their way through this beautifully verdant and fertile land, these water bodies support a multitude of different living beings. Starting from the majestic western ghats and ending in the vast Indian ocean, these waters have been journeying in time for countless cycles.

Our precious rivers create life wherever they flow, but their future is in deep trouble now.

3 Big Threats

  • Unplanned Growth: Rapid increase in population and industry without proper planning has taken a huge toll on our rivers. According to a 2023 report, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has named the Mula and Mutha rivers among the most polluted rivers in the country. (read more)
  • Misguided Decision-making: Instead of spending on water treatment plants which clean up sewage and industrial affluents that pollute the rivers, our civic bodies are spending thousands of crores in creating concrete banks for a beautfication project. (read more)
  • Climate Change: As the CO2 emissions rise and Earth turns warmer with each passing year, we are going to see erratic weather patterns. These changes pose a high risk to and from our rivers – both as floods and as severe drought. (read more)

Every relationship is based on a single golden rule: give and take. If we only take from our city’s natural environment without giving back, it is going to break the relationship very soon.

Our rivers face many challenges, but the greatest one is that we have given up listening to them. In our busy lives we stopped paying attention to what they are trying to tell us. We have forgotten how to hear their stories and songs.

What Every River Needs

If we wish to keep our rivers alive we need to treat them as living entities that have rights just like humans. Creating legal rights for the rivers will go a long way in ensuring their protection and continuous flow. So what are the rights that every river needs? Here are the 3 most important ones:

Right to its land
Wherever the river flows, it should be allowed to keep its land. No construction or buildings should come up in areas where the river’s water has pass through in the last 5 years. Rivers and their floodplains help soak up excessive rains, thereby reducing flooding intensity, sometimes even preventing it.

Right to clean, continuous flow
When allowed to flow unfettered and pure, rivers provide bare essentials of clean drinking water for everyone. Rivers help maintain a balance with groundwater recharge, enabling cultivation of food as well as water availability during water scarcity and drought.

Right to health
A river is healthy when all beings that rely on the river are healthy. A river devoid of life is a dead river. Therefore, we have to ensure that rivers are living ecosystems that support various elements of nature, not just humans. The health of our rivers is linked to the health of our society. When a river dies, the soul of a city dies with it.

To stay updated on this project you can follow us on social media or join our newsletter. Please do help us spread the word and reach out to people who can add value to this work.

Smartfilms – Impactful films with your phone

We live in an age of smartphones, but only a few people know how to harness the potential of their camera effectively. Films and visuals give us a unique opportunity for sharing our ideas with a larger audience, creating awareness as well as action.

Let’s learn how to use the visual medium to create beautiful stories that leave an impact. Simple ways to make compelling videos with your phone so that you can bring the ideas in your head to life.

“Make your work stand out.

~Videos get 12x more reach than text and images combined. (link)

For Dreamers & Doers

We are conducting a unique filmmaking workshop to help you tap into the power of your phone cameras. The lab is designed as a practical hands-on approach where the participants will work on growing a series of individual films for their own initiative. In the workshop you will be guided through 7 sessions on Google meet to learn the basic fundamentals, followed by 2 mentoring sessions to polish and refine your own films.

The sessions will cover the major aspects of filmmaking which includes: story-telling, cinematography, direction, editing, production, AI tools. You will also learn the art of marketing and promoting your videos as well as tips for fundraising.

The smartfilms lab is specially designed for people who have interesting ideas but need a powerful medium to reach out to a wide array of people.

Learning By Creating

During the 7 learning sessions, each participant ends up with 2 short films of their own. This methodology of learning by creating enables you to overcome the big stumbling blocks that stop you from making films. It also gives you the right mindset and framework to start working on your own projects.

The mentoring sessions further support you on your creative journey with useful inputs as well as tips and tricks to get better at the craft.

Film Lab Details

* Workshop Dates:
Smartfilms sessions: 16th MAY – 22nd MAY 2024 | 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm everyday
Mentoring sessions: 26th, 31st MAY 2024 | 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Location: Online
Language: English

Price Bands (inclusive of gst / tax)

INR 4,900 /- Regular participants | 49 US$
INR 2,900/- for students and non-profits | 29 US$
Seats limited to 15 participants | 3 seats left

Film-making Workshop Requirements

1. Commitment and creativity.
2. A cell phone that records video.
3. A laptop (optional, but recommended)

*Note: No prior experience in filmmaking is necessary, but being comfortable around technology would definitely be an advantage.


To apply for the workshop, please fill up this form: Google Form

The Next Step

If you need more clarification please email us at support(at)filmkaar(dot)com. Feel free to share this page with someone who might benefit from it. Our world needs more storytellers.
*The April 2024 workshop is a special edition workshop that will raise funds for creating ‘Songs for Pune’s Rivers.’ Participants can get an added opportunity to be part of the music video making process if they are in Pune.

HAMPI – City of Stones

Who are we? Where do we come from? The rocks know.
Hampi – the city of stone hides many stories. Some of them are not from Earth. Travel with this 2 minute film to the UNESCO world heritage site of Hampi. A geological marvel of nature on our planet.

This short film is an artistic interpretation of the living rocks of Hampi. It fuses the wonders of Hampi with digital art to reveal the stories hidden inside the rocks.

Remnants of a once thriving civilisation in the South Indian state of Karnataka, there are more than 1,600 monuments from the Vijayanagara Empire. It was one of the last southern Hindu kingdoms which ruled from the 14th to the 16th century. By 1500 CE, Hampi-Vijayanagara was the world’s second-largest medieval-era city after Beijing, and probably India’s richest at that time.

On a more philosophical note, the story that is hidden in the monuments and stones of Hampi whisper about the chisel of time and its intricate workings. Those of have the patience to be still and the curiosity to listen will discover the secret that binds all things on Earth – our origin and our final destination.

Hampi is an exceptional place. Every person who visits it, finds something unique. As an artist I have used digital art to depict the stories that the rocks of Hampi told me. This is not a documentary, it is a cinematic short film. No rocks were harmed or moved in the making of this video.

AIGO – India

AIGO stands for Artificial Intelligence Generated Outings. AIGO is a new way of exploring old places. We work with AI to bring enchanting fables from magical lands to life. You will find thought provoking stories that help you uncover the soul of this beautifully complex land called India.

Imagine the impossible

AIGO is also a way to open your mind. To fill you world with wonder and curiosity, and to inspire you to travel. Come, let’s go on imaginary adventures to fantastic places. Somewhere between the real and unreal is an idea that is waiting for you.

AIGO Punjab

May the 4th be with you. Traveling in a remote Punjabi village where Star Wars has a cult following you’ll find these strange vehicles. On this significant date the jugaad inventors bring out their futuristic creations for an epic road show. Their message to the world – there is a dreamer within all of us.

AIGO Assam

Why do the elephants of Assam create art?
Is it to draw attention to their dwindling numbers? Is it to remind us that these fields were once dense forest they called home?

Why do the elephants of Assam create art?
It’s for the same reason that all artists create.
To feel alive.


Does AI know answers to questions that have mystified humans for ages? Can it reveal knowledge that was hidden in the heads of a few? On assignment to document the levitating monks of Leh, I decided to let AI unravel their secret.

AIGO What’s next?

This is an ongoing project. With time I will keep adding new stories and destinations. You can also send in your own AIGO creations or suggest new places for us to visit in the comments section of this post.

“To imagine the impossible, is to sow the seeds for making it possible some day.”

Healing Forest

Healing Forest is a journey to discover the remarkable healing powers of nature. To find new ways that bring people and forests closer to each other.  Join us in this exploration of fascinating forests and inspiring stories of healing from nature.

Our aim is simple. Helping people heal. Helping Forests heal.

Forests are known to have great healing properties. As humans, we have evolved in nature. It’s where we feel most comfortable. It has been scientifically proven that when we spend time in nature, our brain behaves differently. It affects how we feel and think, which has a direct impact on our immunity and healing powers.

Countries like South Korea and Japan have designated healing forests. Forests that one can go to find calm, balance and good health. Forests that help people recover, relax and revive.

To experience the concept first hand, visit this link to try out some Nature Walks, Games and Meditations based on the Japanese concept of Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing.


If this idea interests you, please subscribe to this blog with your email. Here are some of the things we hope to do: Organise nature walks. Publish maps of healing forest trails. Bring out new films on the healing powers of nature. Create conscious communities. Provide natural healing tips. Tell stories of inspiring people. Discover fascinating forests that can serve as therapy forests. Do action projects that give back to nature.

Click on these links to read our latest posts and healing stories. Feel free to reach out to us with your thoughts in the comment box below. To know more about this initiative visit the about page.


Please share this with people in your life who may need a moment of calm in their life.

india in 5 minutes

India In 5 Minutes

Catch the spirit of India in this short film and get a glimpse of the many wonders that India has to offer. From the Himalayan ranges in the North to the oceans in the South. From the deserts in the West to the rain forests of the East. Experience the many worlds that make up India.


Simple to explain.
Difficult to understand.

Quick to amaze.
Slow to absorb.

Impossible to predict.
Certain to enchant.

Always full of adventure.
Never short of warmth.

Easy to love.
Hard to forget.


This film ‘India Unravelled’ was made possible through a documentary film fellowship by PSBT. Visit them at


Here’s a list of 10 of my personal favourite destinations in India (in no particular order).

Rann of Kutch
Andaman Islands

Write your favourite place in India in the comment box below and I’ll try to create a film on the most popular choice. Feel free to share, screen, embed this film.



Stories From The Mountains

Mountains are like grandmothers. They have many stories to tell. Nestled in the Himalayan ranges of Kumaon in Uttarakhand are some wonderful people, ideas and initiatives. Given below are three simple stories from the region to give you a glimpse of the unwilted life in the mountains.
Junle fowl

Children of the mountains
In a world filled with hate, anger and aggression the children of the mountains have an interesting message to give.

A school in the mountains
Chirag is a small primary school run by an NGO of the same name. They have a very different view on what education is and how children should learn. You can volunteer or visit them at Chirag

Gifts from the mountains
Chandi Maati is a small social enterprise working with women from 4 villages in the Himalaya mountains. They make and sell wonderful gifts which help in creating a source of income for these women. You can find them here on Facebook.

Hope these films inspire you to travel to the mountains. There are some amazing stories waiting for you.

Imagine – A Space Project

A collaborative project to imagine the Universe. A small group of 3d Artists, Writers, Poets and Graphic Designers come together to create works of art inspired by Space. Writers and Poets send in quotes or verse on any theme connected with Space and 3D Artists or Graphic Designers turn the words to visuals by creating images or video. Here’s an example:

Imagine Space Project

Participants for Round 1 of the project are:
WORDS: Purvai Aranya, Jashoda Chettri, Nandita Yata Rai, Deepak Dhamija, Pratik Maheshwari, Varun Sayal, Nitin Das
VISUALS: Diya Sarker, Naina Jain, Arif Hussain, Milin Patel, Mohammed Anwar, Abhinav Yadav, Debashree Pal, Darshan Singh Grewal.

You can view the on-going submissions at this link

Rule 1: Quote / Poem must be original, and linked to Space theme. For visuals, the artist can select space elements, backgrounds , textures from material available under creative commons license. But use those elements to create something unique.Helpful sources:
Rule 2: Teams have to email their work by end of 23rd June 2015 to
Word limit: Not to exceed 250 characters.
Final Image Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 px Filetype: .jpg
Final image to contain text by writer / poet.
Also include names of team members in the image as credits in small font size.
Note: This is an exercise in exploring the boundaries of imagination. Teams should follow the principles of creative respect and creative acceptance while working together.* This is not a commercial project. All works created will be available under creative commons license with proper attribution to the respective authors.
Folk Music Meghalaya

Finding Bah Kerios Wahlang

Some of the greatest treasures of our world are safely tucked away in distant corners of less traveled regions. But once in a while, you stumble upon an invaluable experience. Here is an account of one such treasure.
Folk Music Meghalaya
On The Road
I am escaping Shillong. There is a 48 hour strike by some political groups that want outsiders to obtain special inner line permits before coming in to Meghalaya. Incidentally Shajal, the driver of my taxi, is also an outsider. He is driving in nervous bursts like a mouse in a grocery store. We are traveling to the sacred forest of Mawphlang in the hope that outer areas will be less politically charged. On the way I am also hoping to meet a special person.

I land up in a small town called Mawngap. It bears a deserted look because of the strike.  We ask a car mechanic by the road for Mr. Wahlang, the musician. It turns out there are many musically inclined Wahlangs in the village.
Folk music -2The Search
For the past 30 days I have been traveling across many less known areas of the North East. Through forest reserves with beautiful villages surrounded by bamboo and betel nut trees, amidst green hills and meandering streams, I am searching for some exceptional folk music. On my journey I have met amazing singers and musicians and come across folk instruments of varying shapes, sizes and sounds. But there is something within that doesn’t click. There is a lock in my heart and the keys just don’t fit.

 While I am in Shillong, I hear about an old folk singer who composes his own songs and has an amazing voice. His name is Kerios Wahlang. But like all good things in life, many people know of him but not how to get to him.
Folk Music Meghalaya -4
Meeting Bah Kerios
It takes me days to find out his contact number. I finally manage to land up at his small house perched atop thick wooden pillars. Bah Kerios has just returned from seeing the doctor. He is running a slight fever. He knows very little Hindi and I don’t know any Khasi. I show him some of my earlier films and he understands. He asks his grandson to bring his Duitara, a traditional guitar carved out of wood.

 Tuning the strings with his experienced hands, Bah Kerios begins to sing. In his voice is a magic that transports one into a dense green forest full of old trees. A forest that is alive and singing in a deep voice. Later, Bah Kerios shows me a photograph of him singing besides a row of huge stone obelisks with a thick forest behind. It is the sacred forest of Mawphlang.
folk music 3The Sacred Forest
Leaving Bah Kerios Wahlang to get better, I head onwards to the village of Mawphlang. A village known for it’s monoliths and it’s sacred grove. Large vertical rocks are scattered all around the village. Mysterious stones arranged in circles. Stones shaped as benches or simply standing out of the ground like a giant’s finger pointing at the sky.

And at the edge of the village is a sacred grove. There are monoliths and stone structures spread inside the forest as well. The stones inside are covered in a layer of wet, green moss. The air is delightfully pleasant and filled with birdsong. Being inside the forest gives one a strange sense of calm. The music of Bah Kerios belongs to this forest and originates from it. He has been giving a voice to these songs of the forest for many years, but not many people outside of Meghalaya have heard his music.
Bah Kerios WahlangFarewell to Bah Kerios
Two days later, the strike has ended. I am headed back home, but on an impulse I decide to check in on Bah Kerios and take his picture. I find him smoking a pipe outside his house, soaking in the crisp winter sun. His army of little grandchildren are chasing the rooster and the hens in their backyard.

We sip some black tea and Bah Kerios brings out an old scratched CD. It contains one of the few recordings of his songs. The life’s work of a great folk master, preserved in a fragile disc. Bah Kerios holds the precious CD in his hand and says, “I wonder whether people will remember my music when I am gone.” I think to myself, I hope they will, Bah Kerios. I hope they will.