I am a guide for the wilderness. I am Mark the WildernessGuide.

I provide tailor-made wilderness experiences and skills that span the spectrum of primitive adventure and living. I re-skill and re-wild people. I mentor, journey and share with those wishing to visit and live in the wildlands, the forests and the fells. I live a frontier life: I homestead, I whittle, I dance with and sit in the presence of the raw awe of nature. This is my quest for the sublime. I want to share this quest with you.



We have started up a new and exciting business offering nature therapy. We have discovered that beyond the skills and knowledge of passing through and living in the wilderness that BEING in nature and the wilds has many physiological benefits. For the meantime our efforts are going into this new enterprise. Please visit www.aquafolium.co.uk or follow us on twitter  (@aqua_folium) or facebook (aquafolium) and give your support.

Safety. Knowledge. Professionalism.


To read feedback from my teaching, mentoring and sharing please click here
