

Welcome to this website about the philosophy, life and work of Sir Francis Bacon and the ‘Shakespeare’ Rosicrucian Fraternity—and in particular the wisdom of which they were the light-bearers, preservers and transmitters. It is this wisdom which is of particular use to us today, and which is increasingly being rediscovered and revealed.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was given the unique and cryptic titles of Baron Verulam of Verulam and Viscount St Alban.

At one time he considered writing under the pseudonym of Hermes Stella, in imitation of Hermes Trismegistus.

He was identified by those who possessed 'the eye of the eagle' as Fra. CRC, Father of the Rosicrucian Fraternity, and Elias the Artist, the "great light" prophesied by Paracelsus, who would renovate the arts and sciences, teach the transmutation of all the metals, and reveal many things.

Bacon himself wrote that he was "the herald of the new age". Such a herald, like the biblical prophet Elijah, is a preparer of the way, who helps initiate and make us ready for the Greater Light that will appear when we are doing the work required – the labour of love.

The most critical, decisive moment for this to happen on a worldwide scale is right now, as we begin to enter the long-prophesied new Great Age.

For this, Bacon gave us two things to help us: (1) an Art of Discovery—the training for which is a "game of hide and seek"; and (2) a morally-based philosophical and scientific project called ‘The Great Instauration’, whose design is based on the underlying wisdom of the Six Days of Creation (Genesis 1). The aim is to create 'light', or delight, happiness, and a paradise on earth for all to enjoy. Such light or delight is also known as 'illumination'.

The primary game of hide and seek for this training in the Art of Discovery is that of the Shakespeare Authorship. To discover the true author and authors of the Shakespeare works (poems, sonnets and plays) will train us to be able to discover the Author of Authors of all Creation, so that then we can become true and effective co-creators and helpers in the universal scheme of enlightenment, which is pure delight.

The name "William Shakespeare"  is a pseudonym, and refers to an illumined person who is able to inspire others with the wisdom that the illumined person knows as a result of his or her illumination.

The illumined men were known as the Knights of the Golden Helmet. The golden helmet symbolises the knight's illumination, and is bestowed upon the knight by the goddess Pallas Athena.

'William', from the German, Wil-helm, means 'Golden helmet'.

'Shakespeare' is the descriptive name and meaning of Pallas Athena, who 'shakes' her 'spear' of inspiring light (wisdom knowledge) at the 'dragons' of ignorance and vice, to inspire them with the wisdom to think and do better.

The myth of Pallas Athena's birth is a symbolic description of someone becoming illumined. Such illumined souls are the true Rosicrucians.

Latest News

2024 Events

On Saturday 25 May 2024 the second talk on Zoom in the Rosicrucian Cryptology series this year took place, with an excellent sharing afterwards by those who attended the talk. The remaining talks of this series that are still to take place are on Sunday 23 June, Sunday 22 September, and Sunday 22 December 2024, with each talk beginning at 5 PM UK time. See 'Events' for details of each talk and how to book attendance at them.

There will also be an extra-special recorded talk that will be made available on the FBRT YouTube channel on 22 June 2024, details to be announced.

At the top of this FBRT website homepage is a button that will take you to the FBRT YouTube channel. It is the middle button of the three buttons that are displayed next to the larger button that takes you to the FBRT Friends Area.

A Wisdom of Shakespeare weekend, focusing on the Shakespeare play Pericles, will take place 14-15 September 2024.

A Mystery of Shakespeare hybrid event* focused on Milan will take place 20-22 & 25-27 October, & 3 November 2024.

*(A hybrid event is via talks on Zoom, on-site visits, and feed-back from those who are able to be on-site.)


Like 2023, the year 2024 is an important Quatercentenary, this time of the once-famous cipher book, Cryptomenytices et Cryptographiae, which was published in 1624 and contains keys to the still famous twin Folios, De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum and Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies, published in 1623.

Just as the 1623 Saturn-Jupiter great conjunction twinned the previous 1603 great conjunction, so 1624 twinned the 1604 celestial phenomena that announced Elias the Artist (also known as Fra. Christian Rosicrosse) and the Rosicrucian work to the world. Their Quatercentenaries 400 years later have a particularly strong vibrational effect on the whole world. There are mathematical, cryptic, symbolic, hermetic, astrological, philosophical and scientific reasons for all this.

Associated websites (recommended)

Zoence: Pathways to Wisdom
The Francis Bacon Society
A. Phoenix Research Papers (Academia.edu – A. Phoenix)
Sir Francis Bacon’s New Advancement of Learning
Spearshaker Productions
Jono Freeman YouTube Channel

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