Document Management

Keep track of your investment research for quick decision-making and company progress evaluation.

EIS Investment Planner

Set annual investment budgets and
manage cash flow for
maximum deployment efficiency.

Monitor risk

Visualise your diversification by capital deployed, company maturity, and sector concentration; benchmark this against peer data.

A secure space to manage your angel investment records

Data can be tagged and uploaded from your phone, on the go. Our timeline feature is there to help you evaluate progress against historic reports.

Proactive EIS investment management

View your investments in the context of your taxable income, EIS limits, and loss relief. Plan new investments around expected tax rebates to keep your portfolio working hard

View your exposure level for each company and understand your portfolio’s diversification

We provide tools to help you visualise your portfolio by total capital deployed, company maturity, sector, and government policies.

Our Service

We streamline and centralise information for unquoted investment portfolios; improving decision-making and better managing risk to boost the impact of each £1 deployed.

No hidden fees

Our basic document management service is free. For heavy users, we charge a reasonable annual fee to cover our development and servicing costs.

Free Mobile App

Our free mobile app enables you to centralise all documentation for your angel investment portfolio. The app’s tag function can helps you stay on top of your research through enabling useful screenshots to be quickly uploaded from your phone, on the go. 


Portfolio Organiser

Our portfolio organiser aims to improve decision-making by helping you to readily sift through and visualise, information on your investment budget, cash flow, and company /industry exposure.

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