
LightObsession.co.uk ... Home

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Light Obsession was suggested as a name from how long I was prepared to wait until the light was just right. You can change cameras, lenses, film and even go digital but the one constant need is light. Light makes the image and the photographer only records it.

Photography is in my family, my grandfather started in the early 1900s, I still have his Kodak No2.

The above picture of a pair of a Tawny Owl, at the British Wildlife Centre. A selection from a larger picture with the Nikon.

I have a number of cameras most of which I use. The images have been processed with Adobe Photoshop CS6. The Web site is built using Adobe Dreamweaver CS6.

That's the technical jargon over with, the important bits are the photographs.... look and enjoy.

Revised March 2013 Krystal

Flicker Flicker Photo Stream by Geof Slocombe

Stock photography by Geof+Slocombe at Alamy Stock photography by Geof Slocombe at Alamy

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