Mountbatten Braillers for Lucas Murray and Adam Mitchell

Picture of Lucas
Picture of Adam

Raising funds for the purchase of Mountbatten Braillers for Lucas Murray and his friend Adam Mitchell.  

Lucas and Adam both have Septo-Optic Dysplasia, a condition that causes them both to have endocrine problems and profound blindness.

Braille is the only route to literacy for the profoundly blind.   These machines, at £ 3000 each, are the only way to allow a child of limited physical strength immediate access to writing.   Voice synthesis and Braille to print will aid learning and teaching, and facilitate inclusion.

Bank Details

Please pay contributions, or pledged sponsorship monies into Natwest 54-41-30 a/c 49032291 - thank you!

Ascent of Kilimanjaro

Julian Brown (Lucas's Grandad) supported and accompanied by Tina Belsom

What:      Ascent of Kilimanjaro by the Rongai route

When:     29th Sept – 8th Oct 2006

Initially booked as a challenging holiday, we decided to ask for sponsorship to assist in the purchase of the Mountbatten Braillers.   Julian agreed to match the total of the amounts pledged -to date we have around £ 2,500 pledged - not far short of the £ 3000 needed!

Pic of Kili


We made it!   - Reached the summit at 07.10 am on Thursday 5th October 2006.

Certificate Summit Photo