Pelican Management Services
t: 01932 588880
f: 01932 588880

Clearly defined 'industries' of the past are no longer single independent entities; they inter-relate with their sister organisations, to such an extent that their representative bodies can no longer embrace all the elements necessary to provide the first class representation needed.

The Paper, Printing and Publishing industries provide a classic example, Each entity is inter-dependent upon the other, the boundaries in the past associated with each of the single industry sectors have merged to such an extent that one cannot be deemed independent of the other and they are now one.

Companies operating in other industries are also merging, to the point where an Association of a decade ago, may be representing some 'hundred' companies, now represents a 'dozen' companies, responsible for the same, if not even a larger, market..

There is a solution>>

Don't let the
sun set on your association
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