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Snowflake demonstrates shift to AI with newest features

After a slow start to building an environment for developing AI applications, the vendor unveils new features that show it is catching up to its peers.

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Managing databases in a hybrid cloud: 10 key considerations

To manage hybrid cloud database environments, consider business and application goals, consistency, configuration management, synchronization, latency, security and stability.


Evaluate and choose from the top 10 data profiling tools

Any effective data quality process needs data profiling. Evaluate key criteria to select which of the top 10 data profiling tools best fits your needs.


10 best practices for managing data in microservices

Data architects managing loosely coupled microservices applications need to make the right decisions about databases, data ownership, sharing, consistency and failure recovery.

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Data Management/Data Warehousing Basics

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    data de-identification

    Data de-identification is decoupling or masking data, to prevent certain data elements from being associated with the individual.

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    What is data management and why is it important? Full guide

    Data management is the process of ingesting, storing, organizing and maintaining the data created and collected by an organization, as explained in this in-depth guide.

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    database (DB)

    A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed and updated.

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