Professional drivers deserve professional taxi driver insurance


The Driving Standards Agency (DSA) first introduced a non-statutory practical driving test for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire in 1999 and now DSA conduct tests on behalf of many Licensing Authorities on a national basis.

DSA take the view that professional Hackney Carriage and Private Hire drivers have a special responsibility in the safe transportation of fare paying passengers. Every journey should be a safe one, taxi drivers make millions of safe and efficient journeys in Britain each year and the safe completion of each journey totally depends on the skill of the driver.

Some Licensing Authorities insist that before you are issued with a Hackney Carriage or Private Hire drivers licence you must pass a Hackney Carriage/Private Hire assessment. If your Licensing Authority requires you to take the test, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the content of the test and that you take professional instruction prior to taking the test.

The standard of the taxi assessment test is set at a level suitable for the full driving licence holder, which is therefore higher than the learner driver test.

Taxi driver insurance from dedicated brokers
As a professional driver you deserve the best level of cover and protection for your business. Dedicated taxi driver insurance brokers understand the needs of the profession and can search the whole of the taxi insurance market, tailoring an insurance solution that provides drivers with the best combination of premium and level of cover.

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