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Signs of time - your guide to life

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Stop for a moment from the everyday rush and hurry, take a dip at least a little while in thought. Try to say why I am where I go after death? There is only by coincidence that brings us to the theory of evolution, or we work the creator?

Why is our planet twisting in pain, why is this world so many disasters, war and unexpected disaster? Why is this world so evil that pushes the human heart, love, compassion and humility? Why is humanity today is greedy, lying, and indifferent to everything? Is it possible to answer these questions, there is a source of truth?

You will try to answer all these questions and bring light into your life and truth. Today's world is overcrowded information that is not often true. The world is full of lies, half-truths and fallacies.

Remember that the history of our world, are recorded in advance in the book, which many fear, from which are turned away without having to consult her. To hold this book for people in former times of persecution, torture and burning their own churches. What is this book, what is it so mysterious? This book is the Bible, the source of truth, life and light.

Try to at least postpone the moment of daily worries, desires the transitory things. Think about the meaning and objectives of your life in this ruined our world.

Before attempting to study, try listening to this beautiful music.

Music heaven

61_momente_de_pace_2.jpg 62_momente_de_pace_1.jpg 63_momente_de_pace_3.jpg 64_momente_de_pace_4.jpg 65_corina_spatariu.jpg

The origin of evil, creation of the world

Video - Cosmic Conflict

459_vesmirny_konflikt.jpg All people on earth, regardless of religion or nationality, and recognize that all ...

The only true God is the God of Israel!

439_izraelite.jpg Isaiah 44.6 - Thus saith the Lord, the King and Redeemer of Israel, ...

Why is there evil?

59_snake.jpg I'm sure you all agree that our country is evil. There are very ...

Thawing ice to our planet - the Bible gives a great "lab notes"

369_planeta_zeme.jpg Genesis 1,2 - the earth was void and empty, darkness was over the ...

God's love for man, and Jesus Christ our only way.

The Only Way To Heaven

295_jedina_cesta_do_nebe.jpg Jesus Christ lived, suffered and died to redeem us.  God allowed that His ...

How do I find God?

372_jak_najit_boha.jpg Inside every man is encoded in the desire for God. In the past ...

He Sacrificed Everything to Save Us

445_jesus_christ.jpg God created by Christ Jesus our earth and gave us life. Lord Jesus ...

The prophecy that Jesus is the Messiah foretold

191_jezis.jpg Individual books of the Old Testament were written in the years 1400-425 BC ...

Approaching the end of the world is God's judgment?

Video - The last event, the end of the world according to biblical prophecy

80_the_final_events_of_bible_prophecy.jpg Doug Batchelor - The Final Events of Bible Prophecy Take a look at this ...

Approaching the court of God - get ready!

303_bozi_soud_milenium.jpg Many people would live differently if they realized that their lives will one ...

Biblical Signs of Christ's coming, and of the End of the World - Part 1

260_znameni_doby_prichod_krista_part_1.jpg Today, most of us have the feeling that something is happening in the ...

Biblical signs of Christ's coming and the End of the World - Part 2

261_znameni_doby_prichod_krista_part_2.jpg Biblical signs of Christ's coming and the end of the world - Part ...

Why do we believe that the Bible is God's word? This is confirmed by archeology?

Sodom and Gomorrah - a unique layered ash and sulfur

231_sodoma_gomora_budova.jpg Many try to argue, rebut, challenge those wonderful biblical findings. It claims that ...

Bible, the God's Word - Why Can We Trust It?

285_bible.jpg The Bible is a book that was written during a long time span ...

Noah's Ark was found, confirming the Turkish government

1_archa_noemova.jpg The Turkish government has carried out research with archaeologists at the site of ...

It is God's law is still valid, including the fourth commandment?

God’s Law – The True Ten Commandments

585_desatero_bozich_prikazani.jpg Read the Ten Commandments of God, as God gave them to Moses on ...

Removes the grace of God's law?

325_rusi_se_milosti_bozi_zakon.jpg It is necessary to keep God's Ten Commandments, including Saturdays, we are not ...

Were the Ten Commandments Really Nailed to the Cross?

326_bylo_desatero_prikazani_pribito_na_kriz.jpg The Bible says that God gave His law to mankind – the Ten ...

Dear Father, Please, Write Your Law On My Heart

556_zapis_svuj_zakon.jpg My dear Father, You are so amazing, kind, compassionate and patient. My soul ...

The Day of Rest – Saturday or Sunday?

60_sunday_saturday.jpg Which is the true day of rest, the Sabbath – Saturday or Sunday? Christian ...

Sabbath as a memorial of creation, given the relationship with God

417_sobota_pamatnik_stvoreni.jpg Let's look at the very beginning of the Bible, the Book of Genesis. ...

What must happen before the second coming of Jesus Christ?

Satan's final deception, simulating the arrival of Jesus Christ

423_napodobeni_prichodu_jezise_krista.jpg All Bible prophecy being fulfilled and suggest that our world is at the ...

Persecution of the faithful believers in the time of the end

498_pronasledovani.jpg Anyone who studies the topic of time and the end of Sunday laws, ...

Number Beast 666, mark of the beast and the seal of God

447_666.jpg In previous articles we studied, who, according to Daniel 7 and Revelation chapter ...

Spiritualism can talk to us dead people? What is death?

What is spiritualism and the occult?

473_spiritismus_okultismus.jpg Spiritualism teaches that the spirits of the deceased can make the connection with ...

Death, is something after death?

72_co_je_po_smrti.jpg What is death? First divided the people into two parts - body and soul ...

Hell just is - what will be the end of the wicked people?

371_existuje_peklo.jpg Many people are afraid of hell and eternal suffering. But hell? The Bible ...

Prophecy, as they confess and find the right one?

End of the World in 2012, the Maya and their calendar?

74_mayan-calander.jpg Is there going to be a catastrophic end of the Word in 2012? ...

Nostradamus, 2012 - False Prophecies

192_nostradamus.jpg I would like to write something about the prophecies of Nostradamus, since it ...

Test true prophet - How do we know the true from the false prophet?

293_jak_se_pozna_prorok.jpg TEST Figure 1 Deuteronomy 18,21-22 - You say: "How do we know that it ...

Spirit of Prophecy - Ellen Gould White

161_ellen_gould_white.jpg The gift of prophecy manifested in the service of Ellen G. White, who ...

Current world events

Significantly increasing the number of natural disasters - to warn us!

429_zemetreseni_japonsko.jpg The Bible foretells the condition of the country will find, before Jesus Christ ...

Dramatically increasing the number of earthquakes!

392_katastrofykont.jpg Constantly increasing number of earthquakes across the country. Many people perceive change and ...

Coming a major financial crisis is inevitable

478_graf-down.jpg The whole world is confronted with increasingly greater financial problems. Many people began ...

Famine in the world

158_hladomor_ve_svete.jpg UN: Number of hungry in the world exceeds one billion and because of ...

For the faithful people of God

Repent - it is now the most important thing!

484_pokani.jpg Matthew 4.17 - From that time Jesus began to preach, "Repent! Kingdom of ...

An important meeting of our enemy

495_zabava.jpg What Satan has planned? As we, Christians, want to get? Think about these ...

We need revival and reformation in our lives, not just words!

528_oziveni_a_reformace.jpg The faithful people are fervently praying for the outpouring of the Holy ...

Approaching the return of Jesus Christ, get ready!

402_druhy_prichod_jezise_krista_2.jpg Many people have certainly noticed that with our planet is something wrong. In ... - Signs of time - your guide to life