Welcome to ACL.info

A site dedicated to Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Information specifically for Orthopaedic Surgeons.

This site contains videos, papers and other information that will help surgeons learn new techniques and expand their knowledge about the cutting edge of ACL reconstruction.

Graft Choice

The Graft Choice pages look at the options for ACL reconstruction and consider the pros and cons of allografts versus autografts, and hamstring versus patellar grafts.

Hamstring Harvest

The Hamstring Harvest pages contain information about a mini-incision hamstring harvest technique developed by Dr Chad Prodromos. This technique allows the safe harvesting of hamstrings that are consistently long enough for four strand (and even more strand) grafts.

Fixation Methods

The Fixation Methods pages detail the benefits of the fixation methods used by Dr Prodromos, the EndoButton™ for femoral fixation and the cortical screw for tibial fixation. This section includes videos of how to prepare a hamstring graft with whipstitches and attachment of an EndoButton™ and how to insert and fasten the graft.

Reconstruction Techniques

The Reconstruction Techniques section contains information and videos about:

  • creation of an ovalized tibial tunnel
  • use of a single femoral bundle in an ovalized femoral tunnel to mimic a double bundle technique
  • creating double femoral tunnels
  • use of HTO in conjunction with ACLR
  • use of greater than 4 strand grafts

ACLR Publications

The Publications section contains published papers by Prodromos et al which explore a variety of ACLR topics including our clinical results, several meta-analysis of the literature on ACL autografts and allografts, and other topics.